Learning Among Friends

colby-sawyer deans

Deborah Taylor, Academic Vice President & Dean of Faculty

The Colby-Sawyer College faculty and I welcome you to the academic programs of the college. We invite you to learn with us through our liberal education program, which calls upon you to make connections among ideas, areas of knowledge, and actions; our excellent academic major and minor programs, which require you to develop deep understanding in the academic areas you choose to pursue; and, our Wesson Honors Program, which encourages invited students to challenge themselves academically and as members of the wider community. I invite you to explore the information on the web site about these programs, and I am certain that you will find many you wish to explore further.

Colby-Sawyer College also considers that learning occurs across the college – not just in classrooms, but also in residence halls, in clubs and organizations, on athletic fields, in the community, and in all of the formal and informal settings in which students, faculty, and staff share the life of the college. [ read more ]

David Sauerwein, Vice President for Student Development & Dean of Students

As your vice president and dean, I care very much about the personal and ethical choices you make, as well as the quality and effectiveness of your interactions with roommates and other friends on campus. Don't miss the richness that comes with new and renewed friendships. [ read more ]

Beth Crockford, Academic Dean

Colby-Sawyer College is a terrific place. Whether you already know this because you are here – or suspect it to be and are thinking about attending, the Academic Dean's office is a ready resource for you. [ read more ]

Robin Burroughs Davis, Associate Dean of Students

As you explore Colby-Sawyer College's Web site, I hope you get a sense of our community of learners. At CSC, students, faculty, and staff share a passion for learning. We recognize that learning takes place in the classroom but that we also learn from each other through conversation, residence hall and other college-sponsored programs, and by participating in the myriad teams, clubs, and organizations the college offers. [ read more ]

Colby-Sawyer College
541 Main Street
New London, NH 03257
Tel: 603-526-3000