Pollinator Partnership Sponsored by the North American Pollinator Protection Campaign and The Coevolution Institute

Your Source for Pollination Information


San Francisco Plants a Victory Garden with Pollinators in Mind

This July folks gathered in downtown San Francisco to plant a garden right in front of city hall. The garden contains organic vegetables, herbs and other native plants. Food grown in the garden will be donated to those with limited access to healthy produce through a partnership with local food banks and meals programs. The Pollinator Partnership happily donated pollinator friendly plants from Annie's Annuals.

Film Highlights Importance of Bees

Each year, the Media That Matters Film Festival features a new collection of socially conscious short films created by independent and youth filmmakers from across the globe. The films are used worldwide via the internet, DVD, broadcast and as part of one of our hundreds of screenings. One of this year's films selected films is Every Third Bite, a doccumentry about CCD and the plight of the bees.


Every Third Bite
USA | 8:53 | Documentary | Directed & Produced by The Meerkat Media Collective In the past few years, millions of bees have disappeared from their hives. More than just a honey matter, the lives of bees are connected to us and our ecosystems in more ways than we can count. GOOD FOOD AWARD SUPPORTED BY CLIF BAR FAMILY FOUNDATION & W.K. KELLOGG FOUNDATION


Hot off the presses! - recent pollinator articles

Newsweek, July 14, 2008

San Francisco Chronicle, June 27, 2008

National Wildlife Magazine, June/July 2008

Country Living, May 2008

Homestead Magazine, Spring 2008

Martha Stewart LIVING, June 2008

June 26, 2008 - Congressional Hearing on Pollinators

Pollinator Week 2008 Archive

4th Annual NAPPC WHC Pollinator Protection Award presented by NAPPC and Wildlife Habitat Council

American Electric Power Company, Southwestern Electric Power Company won the NAPPC WHC Pollinator Protection Award this year for its pollinator work at its Flint Creek Power Plant in Gentry, AR. Photos coming soon.For more information, visit http://www.wildlifehc.org/pollinatorpractices/award.cfm

Click here for Honerable Mentions.

Pollen Nation

Pollen Nation follows one migratory beekeeper and a semi-load full of honeybees from Minnesota to California. It's a science documentary disguised as an American road movie, and also the first film to take a look at the phenomenon of industrialized pollination, and the way it is beginning to unravel with dire consequences for all of us. Check out the website for more: www.pollennationthemovie.com

Scientists Discover A Potential Cause of CCD

Click here to learn more about the recent discoveries about Colony Collapse Disorder and what you can do to help.
Read the article in Bloomberg.com
Read the article in Science Express

A Call for "Pollination" of Farm Bill Conservation Title

Calls for pollinator-beneficial enhancements to the Conservation Title in comments have been filed at the April 19th conservation hearing held by the House Agriculture Subcommittee on Conservation, Credit, Energy, and Research. Click here for more information.

1st NAPPC Satellite Meeting in Mexico was a Big Success

NAPPC-Mexico Meeting Agenda
Participant Abstracts
Go to the NAPPC website to join the discussion group (in Spanish)

The National Academy of Sciences Study on the Status of Pollinators in North America is now available

Press Release
Full Report
Report Brief

U.S. Senate passes a Resolution to protect pollinators and designates June 24-30, 2007 National Pollinator Week

Recognizing the importance of pollinators to ecosystem health and agriculture in the United States and the value of partnership efforts to increase awareness about pollinators and support.
Press Release
National Pollinator Week Proclamation
Senate Resolution 580

USDA Secretary of Agriculture Signs Proclamation in Support of National Pollinator Week

Secretary Mike Johanns recognized the significance of the services provided by pollinating species and of building awareness of their importance in land and resource management.
USDA Pollinator Proclamation

U.S. Postal Service introduces a "Pollination" stamp series for release in June 2007

USPS Press Release, "Pollination"
The USPS 2007 Commemorative Stamp Series

The U.S. Postal Service 2007 Commemorative Pollination Stamp. (Photo: © 2006 USPS. Used with permission. All rights reserved.)

Available Now: Monarch Seed Kits

Monarch Waystation Seed Kits from Monarch Watch are designed to enable you to create a beautiful habitat suitable for monarch butterflies within the context of a traditional garden. Kits include seeds for a variety of monarch attractant plants and a detailed guide book. Kits come in "Standard" and "California" varieties.
Visit Monarch Watch for more information.



The Pollinator Partnership - 423 Washington St, 5th Floor - San Francisco, CA 94111-2339 - (415) 362-1137