> Departments > Health & Environment > Environmental Health Services > Restaurant Inspection Database

Restaurant Inspection Database

Here you can view inspection reports for restaurants, fast food operations, delis, markets, cafeterias, convenience stores and other types of food establishments inspected by the Health Department.

Many factors enter into your choice of where to eat: the atmosphere, the price, the type of food and its flavor, and the service. One factor that is difficult for the public to assess is the attention paid to food safety in the preparation of the meal. This may be particularly important if you are in poor health or on immune-suppressing medications.

This website offers additional information for you to consider as you decide where to purchase food in Larimer County. These inspections reports have always been public records, but until now have not been convenient to review. This website is part of Larimer County's commitment to providing useful public information in a manner that is convenient to our citizens.

We hope that you will find this information helpful and easy to use. Please remember that on any given day, even a restaurant with an "Excellent" rating could have a failure in their food safety practices that could lead to a foodborne illness.

For more information about our inspections, see the "about" link on our main page.

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