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CURRENT EDITION [December 19, 2008]
April Fool's Day Special Edition [April 1, 2008]
ARCHIVED EDITIONS [since 11/22/1999]
Migratory Bird & Wetland NewsLink [October2008] [August 2008]
[June 2008] [April 2008] [February 2008]; [2008, 2007, 2006, 2005]
Biweekly Wetland Restoration Information Update from EPA
Wetland Breaking News is a monthly edited compilation of wetland-related information submitted by readers and gleaned from list-serves, press releases, and web sites from throughout the United States.  Items are edited for brevity and almost always include links to the complete, original piece.
To have Wetland Breaking News delivered to your e-mail box, send Internet e-mail to Type as the subject "subscribe" or "unsubscribe" (without quote marks).
"WETLAND BREAKING NEWS" Compiled and Edited by: Leah Stetson, ASWM, Assistant Editor: Jeanne Christie, ASWM
EDITORIAL POLICY: The editor reserves all rights to decide what should be included in this publication. Publication in Wetland Breaking News [WBN] does not indicate endorsement or accuracy of any article or book included, sold or mentioned. It is up to the reader to make that determination. All copyrighted material is rewritten or excerpted to pass the fair use law or permission has been given for ASWM to use. Since the editor can't guarantee the accuracy of the articles, ASWM is not liable for anything said in an article. Documented corrections of an item included in WBN will be considered for posting as a "Letter to the Editor." To find an article previously published in WBN just search the Archives on the website. If you have any suggestions, articles or announcements you wish to see posted in WBN please e-mail

To view Wetlands NewsLink for a once-monthly summary of International News, visit

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This webpage last updated December 19, 2008.
Comments or suggestions may be directed to

2 Basin Road
Windham, ME 04062
207-892-3399; Fax: 207-892-3089;