Department of Defense
Test Resource Management Center

Stewards of the DoD test and evaluation infrastructure
Joint Investment, Program & Policy
Central Test & Evaluation Investment Program


In FY 2003, the Test Resource Management Center (TRMC) was established under the auspices of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics and given the responsibility of developing a comprehensive strategic plan reflecting the test and evaluation (T&E) needs with respect to facilities and resources of the Department of Defense and accessing the adequacy of the Major Range and Test Facility Base to provide testing to support the development and fielding of major weapon systems. With the establishment of the TRMC, my office also assumed responsibility of the administration and execution of the Central Test and Evaluation Investment Program (CTEIP).

I consider CTEIP to be vital in the T&E community's efforts to meet the myriad challenges posed in modernizing and transforming our test infrastructure. It is my full intention to position CTEIP to become a primary enabler of the strategic plan that my office is developing. Over the long-term, some changes will be made to the program to adapt to the strategic plan; however, I am committed to ensuring that CTEIP's mission will remain unchanged: to leverage Service investments and encourage joint developments that will maximize efficient inter-Service use of T&E assets by improving interoperability and connectivity among test centers, facilities and ranges.

  Dr. John B. Foulkes
  Test Resource Management Center


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Last Updated: 08/31/07

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