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IEN Brochure

The IEN Brochure describes the philosophy, issues, services, and key programs of the Institute. To Download (right-click, Save As..) or View as a PDF, Click Here

The Mediator

The Mediator is published periodically by IEN. It contains news and updates about our projects and faculty. To Download (right-click, Save As..) or View as a PDF, Click Here for past issues.

Past Mediator Articles Spring 2003; Fall 2002

A Stream Corridor Protection Strategy for Local Governments (UVA, 2002)

This practical guide can help Chesapeake Bay states move toward implementing the many facets of the Chesapeake 2000 Agreement such as the goal of 2,010 more miles of forested buffers by 2010 and a goal of locally devised watershed plans to encompass two thirds of the Bay’s drainage basin. Written in collaboration with local governments, the 63-page handbook contains the cumulative wisdom of the many expert reviewers from across the Bay’s watershed and covers stream protection strategies, tools such as stream buffers and zoning overlays and resources for conducting a protection strategy. The handbook was funded by grants from the Land Growth and Stewardship Subcommittee of the Chesapeake Bay Program and the Virginia Environmental Endowment. Printed copies of the handbook are available from our UVA Institute for $8.00 each (shipping included) or $7.00 each for two or more books. To Download (right-click, Save As..) or View as a PDF, click here.

Collaboration: A Guide for Environmental Advocates (UVA, 2001)

The IEN, in partnership with the National Audubon Society and The Wilderness Society, has published a new handbook to assist environmental advocates in determining whether and how to effectively participate in collaborative decision-making. The 80-page guide, Collaboration: A Guide for Environmental Advocates, was written by IEN's Frank Dukes and Karen Firehock and was funded by a grant from the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation. The guide was conceived in response to the rapidly expanding use of collaborative processes to address environmental issues as well as to growing concerns expressed by many environmentalists about appropriate uses for collaboration. Development of the guide involved consultation with environmental groups at all levels - national, regional and local While the guide was originally intended for environmental organizations, it is already seen as a useful tool for any organization considering participation in a collaborative decision-making process about environmental issues. A bound copy can be obtained by sending $8 (includes shipping and handling) to Collaboration Guide, IEN, University of Virginia, 104 Emmet Street, Charlottesville, VA 22903. Bulk discounts are available for quantities over 30. To request a copy, email Guide Book. To Download A Free Copy (80 pages, with photos):
Part I, Part II, Part III

Central Chemical Superfund Redevelopment Initiative Pilot Project Final Report

The Central Chemical Superfund Redevelopment Project was established as an eight-month, community-based reuse planning process funded by a pilot grant from EPA's Superfund Redevelopment Initiative (SRI). The process was managed by a community Land Use Committee, an 18-member body that met nine times and interacted with the larger community during a series of three public meetings. The City of Hagerstown's Planning Department served as the project's sponsor and developed an impact analysis of reuse alternatives at the site. This report presents the project's land use recommendations and describes the eight month community planning process in detail. To Download (right-click, Save As..) or View as a PDF, Click Here.

Community Mediation Center Study

The Virginia Association for Community Conflict Resolution (VACCR), funded by the National Association for Community Mediation (NAFCM), contracted with the Institute for Environmental Negotiation (IEN) at the University of Virginia to conduct a study of community mediation in Virginia for three purposes: (1) To document the services, benefits, and funding of community mediation programs throughout the United States; (2) To identify services provided by Virginia's community mediation centers; and (3)To identify funding options to sustain and strengthen community mediation in Virginia. To Download (right-click, Save As..) or View as a PDF, Click Here To View News Release, Click Here

Community Watershed Forums: A Planner's Guide

(UVA, 2002)

Developed a model forum for communities to develop watershed management plans and a guide for forum implementation funded by the Chesapeake Bay Program. Four forums were held in Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania and the District of Columbia.

To download a free copy, right click on the link below and click 'Save As.." (Due to formating, the PDF should be saved first to a local drive and not viewed directly online) Additionally, you may contact us to recieve a hard copy (color, 34 pgs.) for $25.00. To Download (right-click, Save As...) or View as a PDF, Click Here

Rivanna Watershed Needs Assessment

The goal of the RWNA is to identify and assess opportunities, strategies, and mechanisms for improving the protection of the Rivanna Riverand its watershed. During Phase One, IEN conducted 22 confidential interviews with various state, local, and regional agencies, community groups, and non-profits that have been actively engaged in water resource management and protection in the Rivanna watershed. Phase Two consisted of convening the Rivanna Watershed Symposium on February 16, 2002 to discuss the results of Phase One and explore future collaborative scenarios. Following the Symposium, the Steering Committee met to finalize the recommendations from the Symposium into a workable plan. The final report for Phase One and the Steering Committee recommendations can be found below (right click and select "Save As.."). To Download (right-click, Save As...) or View as a PDF, Phase One Final Report (PDF); Symposium Steering Committee Report

Blue Crab Stakeholder Perspectives

Developed an analysis of the complex issues and different stakeholder perspectives involved in blue crab management conflict in the Chesapeake Bay. Published an report called, "The Commons Trap and Fishery Deliberations."

To Download (right-click, Save As...) or View as a PDF, Click Here

Heritage Tourism Planning

Designed and facilitated a process for engaging citizens in five counties to develop a regional Heritage Tourism map for the Virginia Thomas Jefferson Planning District Commission in central Virginia. The map includes historical, cultural and environmental sites, events, and facilitaties that will entice heritage tourists to see and do more in the region.

To Download (right-click, Save As...) or View as a PDF Venture Heritage Tourism Map

Transportation Planning

Mediated a two-year consensus building effort for the Virginia Department of Transportation to provide recommendations on how to ensure traffic safety and flow through the congested Bryan Park Interchange area, while preserving Richmond’s much beloved Bryan Park.

To Download (right-click, Save As...) or View as a PDF, Click Here.

Biosolids Application

Conducted a study on the state biosolids program for the Virginia Department of Health, involving a survey of 23 counties and various stakeholders, and provided recommendations on how the program could be improved. Published a report called Land Application of Biosolids in Virginia in 1997.

To Download (right-click, Save As...) or View as a PDF, Click Here.

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UVA School of Architecture, Department of Urban and Environmental Planning Institute for Environmental Negotiation
104 Emmet Street
Charlottesville, VA 22903
Phone: (434) 924-1970
Fax (434) 924-0231