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Urban Subwatershed Restoration Manual Series


Under an EPA grant, the Center developed from 2003 to 2008 an eleven-manual series on practical techniques to restore urban watersheds. The manuals cover the seven major practices used to restore urban watersheds: stormwater retrofits, stream repair, riparian management, discharge prevention, pollution source controls, watershed forestry and municipal operations. In addition, the series outlines new methods for desktop and field assessment and stakeholder management to develop effective small watershed restoration plans, and presents an integrated framework for urban watershed restoration.

Manual 1: An Integrated Framework to Restore Small Urban Watersheds
Manual 2: Methods to Develop Restoration Plans for Small Urban Watersheds
Manual 3: Urban Stormwater Retrofit Practices
Manual 4: Urban Stream Repair Practices
Manual 8: Pollution Prevention Practices
Manual 9: Municipal Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping Practices
Manual 10: Unified Stream Assessment: A User's Manual
Manual 11: Unified Subwatershed and Site Reconnaissance: A User's Manual

Yes, we can count. The Manuals 5, 6, and 7, originally envisioned to be part of this series, evolved into similar guidance, but under different projects with different project partners. The information on riparian corridors and reforestation, originally slated to be covered in Manuals 5 and 7, is contained in the Urban Watershed Forestry Manual. Manual 6, intended to address Illicit Discharge Detection, is simply known as the Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination Guidance Manual.


Manuals 1, 2, 4, 8, 10 and 11 Hardcopy Set
Cost: $190.00 (Savings of $40.00) Add to Cart

Manual 1 cover

Get all of the practical, comprehensive information on watershed restoration techniques that you need by ordering all six of the available Urban Subwatershed Restoration Manuals (USRM) together at a special rate! As a set, these manuals introduce an integrated framework for urban watershed restoration, outline effective techniques for assessing urban watersheds, and provide a comprehensive review of watershed restoration techniques. You will get:

Manual 1: An Integrated Framework to Restore Small Urban Watersheds
Manual 2: Methods to Develop Restoration Plans for Small Urban Watersheds
Manual 4: Urban Stream Repair Practices
Manual 8: Pollution Prevention Practices
Manual 10: Unified Stream Assessment: A User's Manual
Manual 11: Unified Subwatershed and Site Reconnaissance: A User's Manual

Manual 1 cover

Urban Subwatershed Restoration Manual No. 1: An Integrated Framework to Restore Small Urban Watersheds (Version 2.0)
T. Schueler Released: 2005
Cost: $30 Add to Cart
Download for Free: Manual 1

Introduces the basic concepts and techniques of urban watershed restoration, and sets forth the overall framework we use to evaluate subwatershed restoration potential. The manual emphasizes how past subwatershed alterations must be understood in order to set realistic expectations for future restoration. Presents a simple subwatershed classification system to define expected stream impacts and restoration potential. Defines seven broad groups of restoration practices, and describes where to look in the subwatershed to implement them. Presents a condensed summary of a planning approach to craft effective subwatershed restoration plans.

Manual 2

Urban Subwatershed Restoration Manual No. 2: Methods to Develop Restoration Plans for Small Urban Watersheds (Version 2.0)
T. Schueler, A. Kitchell Released: 2005
Cost: $45 Add to Cart
Download for Free: Manual 2

Manual 2 contains detailed guidance on how to put together an effective plan to restore urban subwatersheds. The manual outlines a practical, step-by-step approach to develop, adopt and implement a subwatershed plan in your community. Within each step, the manual describes 32 different desktop analysis, field assessment, and stakeholder involvement methods used to make critical restoration management decisions.

Manual 3 cover

Urban Subwatershed Restoration Manual No. 3: Urban Stormwater Retrofit Practices (Version 1.0)
T. Schueler, D. Hirschman, M. Novotney, J. Zielinski Released: 2007
Download for Free: Manual 3 Appendices

Outlines the basics of retrofits, describes the 13 unique locations where they can be found, and presents rapid methods to find, design and deliver retrofits to meet a wide range of subwatershed objectives. The manual contains updated costs for retrofit practices, updated pollutant removal data for stormwater treatment options, a design point method to estimate individual retrofit removal rates, and practical tips to support the design, permitting and construction of retrofit projects. In short, the manual provides all the resources needed to develop an effective local retrofit program. Hardcopy will be available soon.

Manual 4

Urban Subwatershed Restoration Manual No. 4: Urban Stream Repair Practices (Version 1.0)
T. Schueler, K. Brown Released: 2004
Cost: $45 Add to Cart
Download for Free: Manual 4

This stream repair manual concentrates on practices used to enhance the appearance, stability, structure, or function of urban streams. Presents three broad approaches to urban stream repair - stream cleanups, simple repairs, and more sophisticated comprehensive repair applications. Outlines how to set appropriate restoration goals, how to choose the best combination of stream repair practices to meet the goals, and how to assess stream repair potential at the subwatershed level. Finally, the manual offers practical advice to help design, permit, construct andmaintain stream repair practices in a series of more than 30 profile sheets.

Manual 8 cover

Urban Subwatershed Restoration Manual No. 8: Pollution Source Control Practices (Version 2.0)
T. Schueler, C. Swann, T. Wright, S. Sprinkle Released: 2005
Cost: $35 Add to Cart
Download for Free: Manual 8

This manual presents several methods to assess subwatershed pollution sources in order to develop and target education and/or enforcement efforts that can prevent or reduce polluting behaviors and operations. Manual 8 outlines more than 100 different "carrot" and "stick" options that can be used for this purpose. The manual also presents profile sheets that describe 21 specific stewardship practices for residential neighborhoods, and 15 pollution prevention techniques for control of storm water hotspots.

Urban Subwatershed Restoration Manual No. 9: Municipal Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping Practices (Version 1.0)
M. Novotney and R. Winer Released: 2008
Download for Free: Manual 9

This manual provides "how to" guidance, and outlines the Center's most recent ideas on how municipal pollution prevention/good housekeeping practices can be used to address local water quality issues and watershed restoration goals. The manual is intended primarily for use by smaller NPDES Phase II communities and other unregulated communities interested in protecting and restoring local water resources.

Manual 10

Urban Subwatershed Restoration Manual No. 10: Unified Stream Assessment: A User's Manual (Version 2.0)
A. Kitchell, T. Schueler Released: 2005 rev.
Cost: $35 Add to Cart
Download for Free: Manual 10 f Appendix A Field Forms f Manual 10 Data Entry Database f

The Unified Stream Assessment, or USA, is a rapid technique to locate and evaluate problems and restoration opportunities within the urban stream corridor. It describes how to perform the USA, and interpret the data collected to determine the stream corridor restoration potential for your subwatershed.

Manual 11

Urban Subwatershed Restoration Manual No. 11: Unified Subwatershed and Site Reconnaissance: A User's Manual (Version 2.0)
T. Wright, C. Swann, K. Cappiella, T. Schueler Released: 2005
Cost: $35 Add to Cart
Download for Free Manual 11 Appendix A Field Forms Appendix C Hotspot Field ID Sheet

Examines pollution sources and restoration potential within upland areas of urban subwatersheds. The manual provides detailed guidance on how to perform each of its four components: the Neighborhood Source Assessment, Hotspot Site Investigation, Pervious Area Assessment and the analysis of Streets and Storm Drains. Together, these rapid surveys help identify upland restoration projects and source control to consider when devising subwatershed restoration plans.



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