VegNet Vol. 13, No. 20. September 26 2006
Ohio State University Extension Vegetable Crops
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In This Issue
1. Horticulture High Tunnel Workshop:
November 14, 2006
2. Fusarium Fruit Rot in Pumpkins




November 14, 2006

Horticulture High Tunnel Workshop


Fisher Auditorium, OARDC, 1680 Madison Avenue, Wooster, OH

Time: 8:30 a.m. - 6 p.m.


High tunnels can:

  Lengthen production & marketing windows

  Protect crops from rain, wind & other stresses

  Cause losses if set up or used improperly


Want to know more about how high tunnels may help your business?

Join us for discussions of high tunnel design, construction, and management.

Talk with growers, University specialists    and industry professionals about their experiences with high tunnels.


Get information on high tunnel setup and disease, fertility, irrigation, and insect pest management.


Learn how high tunnel production can help field production. How high tunnel production is different from  field and greenhouse production. And how high tunnels are used on organic and conventional farms. Meet local produce buyers,vendors and others. Prepare to get the most profit from your high tunnels.


Featured speakers

Dr. Ted Carey, (Kansas State Univ.)

Dr. Otho Wells (Univ. of New Hampshire),

Ohio farmers, industry pro-fessionals, and OSU Extension Specialists.


High Tunnel Workshop -first of a two-part program on season extension

Join us for a Season Extension Workshop on January    15, 2007 at the Ohio Fruit and Vegetable Growers Congress, Greater Columbus         Convention Center, Columbus, OH.  More details later on the Season Extension Workshop.



Please contact:

Leah Miller, (Director of The Small Farm Institute),  740-545-6349;


Matt Kleinhenz, (Extension Vegetable Specialist, OSU/OARDC),  330-263-3810;



Cost is $65.00. Includes access to the program, information packet, food and beverages, a tour of nearby high tunnels and an audio recording of the workshop.

High tunnel reference            material and PAT credits     will       be        available.



Horticulture High Tunnel Workshop, November 14, 2006

Fisher  Auditorium, OARDC Campus, Wooster, OH


Please clip and mail by November 1, 2006 to:


Small Farm Institute

28850 SR 621

Coshocton, OH  43812





Number Attending ($65 per person) ______________


Amount enclosed:_____________________________

(Please make checks payable to: The Ohio State University)




Fusarium Fruit Rot in Pumpkins by Bob Precheur
This disease is popping up in some pumpkin fields especially those fields that received nearly 2 to 3 inches of rain over the past few days. At this point it doesn't seem to be nearly as bad as last year when Katrina dumped a lot more rain and temperatures were much warmer in late September in 2005.  Fruit rots caused by various Fusarium spp. are some of the most common pre- and postharvest diseases of cucurbit fruits. Fusarium rots have been reported on cucumber, melon, honeydew, watermelon, squash, and pumpkin.
In past years, in
Ohio, yield loss due to Fusarium fruit rot can be as high as 100%. Fusarium fruit rot can be a major disease on small farms where pumpkin rotations are non-existent or infrequent.
Fusarium fruit rot is not effectively controlled with fungicide applications because it is difficult to completely cover the fruit with spray material especially the portion of the fruit in contact with the soil. A minimum, 3 year pumpkin rotation is recommended but the disease has been observed even on virgin soil this year. The most effective method for controlling this disease is to prevent fruit from coming in direct contact with the soil. This can be accomplished by using cultural practices such as cover crops, living mulches and strip tillage. Refer to the research of Dr. Andy Wyenandt which can be found in the The Library section of the VegNet website. Look under Research Reports for more information on the use of cover crops:
Growers with this problem in their fields will need to pay close attention to harvested fruit being placed into bins or other bulk containers since fruit breakdown may not occur until 7 to 10 days after harvest, thus spoiling the whole container.  It might be a good idea to let harvested fruit sit for 5-7 days before loading them into bins or other containers. At harvest, look for small moldy spots that have a white, to pinkish color on the skin where it was in contact with the ground. These spots quickly develop into the symptoms illustrated below.

Large area of mold on bottom. As the fruit is lifted from the ground, the mold and infected areas will stick to the soil surface.


Closeup view of advanced stage of mold development.