Educating consumers about safe food handling
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Community Outreach Print
September is National Food Safety Education Month!
Spread the four simple words of basic safe food handling -- clean, separate, cook and chill!

Congratulations on taking steps to educate people in your community about the importance of safe food handling.
Use these community outreach tools - easy-to-print food safety posters and fliers - for your workplace, school or health fairs:

8 1/2 x 11 color Fight BAC! poster (pdf)
8 1/2 x 11 color Scrub Club handwashing poster (pdf)
Clean flier, b&w
Separate flier, b&w
Cook flier, b&w
Chill flier, b&w

Looking for great food safety education giveaways or door prizes?  At the BAC Store you can purchase magnets, pencils, psters, refrigerator thermometers and other items.   

Did you know that fewer than twenty percent of people use an appliance thermometer in their refrigerator?  It is important to know if the temperature in your refrigerator is close to 40 degrees F.  If you want to spread the word in your community about the importance of home refrigerator temperature check out the BAC Down materials here., the website of the Partnership for Food Safety Education (PFSE), is your resource for Fight BAC! food safety and safe food handling campaign information.

The Partnership for Food Safety Education unites representatives from industry associations, professional societies in food science, nutrition and health consumer groups, the United States Department of Agriculture, the Environmental Protection Agency, the Department of Health and Human Services, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the Food and Drug Administration in an important initiative to educate the public about safe food handling practices needed to keep food safe from bacteria and prevent foodborne illness.


Food is safe once it's cooked, no matter how long you leave it out.

 Canned Food Alliance