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Biological Diversity of the Guiana Shield

1. Funk, V. A. 1991. The Compositae of the Guianas, I: Heliantheae (Heliantheae, Tageteae, Coreopsideae). Rhodora 93 (875): 256-267.

2. [number apparently skipped]

3. Judziewicz, E. and P.M. Peterson. 1989. Sporobolus tenomairemensis (Poaceae: Eragrostideae): a new species from northern South America. Syst. Bot.14(4): 525-528. [not numbered in published paper]

4. Judziewicz, E. and P.M. Peterson. 1990. A new cleistogamous South American species of Eragrostis (Poaceae: Chloridoideae). Brittonia 42(1): 47-49. [not numbered in published paper]

5. Lim, B.K. and D.E. Wilson. 1993. Taxonomic status of Artibeus amplus (Chiroptera: Phyllostomidae) in northern South America. J. Mamm.74(3): 763-768.

5(a). Gillespie, L.J. 1993. Euphorbiaceae of the Guianas: annotated species checklist and key to the genera. Brittonia 45(1): 56-94. [number duplicated]

6. Robinson, H. 1992. The Asteraceae of the Guianas, III: Vernonieae and restoration of the genus Xiphochaeta. Rhodora 94 (880): 348-361.

7. Boggan, J., V. Funk, C. Kelloff, M. Hoff, G. Cremers and C. Feuillet. 1992. Checklist of the Plants of the Guianas. Biological Diversity of the Guianas Program, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC. 381 pp.

8. Boggan, J. et al. 1993. Checklist of the Plants of Guyana. Biological Diversity of the Guianas Program, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC. 260 pp.

9. Boggan, J. et al. 1993. Checklist of the Plants of Surinam. Biological Diversity of the Guianas Program, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC. 229 pp.

10. Boggan, J. et al. 1993. Checklist of the Plants of French Guiana. Biological Diversity of the Guianas Program, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC. 226 pp.

11. Funk, V.A. 1993. Uses and misuses of floras. Taxon 42(4): 761-772.

12. Gillespie, L.J. 1993. A synopsis of Neotropical Plukenetia (Euphorbiaceae) including two new species. Syst. Bot. 18(4): 575-592.

13. Gillespie, L.J. 1994. A new section and two new species of Tragia from Venezuelan Guayana and French Guiana. Novon 4(4): 330-338.

14. Pruski, J. 1994. Compositae of the Guayana Highland-IX. Tridax procumbens L. (Heliantheae), a genus and species new for the Venezuelan Guayana. Ernstia 4(3-4): 133-136.

15. Funk, V.A., H. Robinson, G. McKee and J. Pruski. 1995. Neotropical montane Compositae with an emphasis on the Andes. In S. Churchill and H. Balslev (ed.), Neotropical Montane Forests. New York Botanical Garden. [erroneously cited as number 13 in publication]

16. Polhemus, J.T. and P.J. Spangler. 1995. A review of the genus Stridulivelia Hungerford and two new species (Heteroptera: Veliidae) from South America. Proc. Entomol. Soc. Wash. 97(1): 128-152. [not numbered in published paper]

17. Christenson, E.A. 1995. The long-lost Vanilla bicolor Lindley. American Orchid Society Bulletin 64(8): 844-847.

18. Newton, A.E. and H. Robinson. 1994. The structure of the leaf and peristome of Holomitriopsis laevifolia (Broth.) H. Robins. illustrated with scanning electron microscopy. Tropical Bryology 9: 111-116. [not numbered in published paper]

19. Christenson, E.A. and T. Henkel. 1995. Phragmipedium klotzscheanum. American Orchid Society Bulletin 64(10): 1100-1101.

20. Gillespie, L.J. and W.S. Armbruster. 1997. A contribution to the Guianan flora: Dalechampia, Haematostemon, Omphalea, Pera, Plukenetia, and Tragia (Euphorbiaceae) with notes on subfamily Acalyphoideae. Smithsonian Contributions to Botany number 86. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, DC.

21. Cole, C.J., H.C. Dessauer, C.R. Townsend and M.G. Arnold. 1995. Kentropyx borckiana (Squamata: Teiidae): a unisexual lizard of hybrid origin in the Guiana Region, South America. American Museum Novitates 3145, 23pp.

22. Dessauer, H. C. and C. J. Cole. 1993. Unusually high heterozygosities characterize unisexual lizard genomes. Isozyme Bulletin 26:31.

23. Cole, C.J. and H.C. Dessauer. 1993. Unisexual and bisexual whiptail lizards of the Cnemidophorus lemniscatus complex (Squamata: Teiidae) of the Guiana region, South America, with descriptions of new species. American Museum Novitates 3081: 1-30.

24. Huber, O., G. Gharbarran and V.A. Funk. 1995. Preliminary Vegetation Map of Guyana. Biological Diversity of the Guianas Program, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC.

25. Christenson, E.A. and Y. Veyret. 1995 (in press). Oncidium tenellum Gérard, an overlooked synonym of Tolumnia variegata (Sw.) Braem. American Orchid Society Bulletin.

26. Baptista, A.R. and W.N. Mathis. 1996. A new species of Cyamops Melander (Diptera: Periscelididae) from Brazil, with distributional notes on another species. Proc. Entomol. Soc. Wash. 98: 245-248.

27. Polhemus, J.T. and P.J. Spangler. 1995. A review of the genus Struadulivelia Hungerford and two new species (Heteroptera: Veliidae) from South America. Proc. Entomol. Soc. Wash. 97(1): 128-152.

28. Kelloff, C.L. and V.A. Funk. 1998. Preliminary Checklist of the Plants of Kaieteur National Park, Guyana. Biological Diversity of the Guianas Program, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC.

29. Strong, M.T. 1997. Macherina (Cyperaceae) in South America. Novon 7: 308-319.

30. Boggan, J., V. Funk, C. Kelloff, M. Hoff, G. Cremers and C. Feuillet. 1997. Checklist of the Plants of the Guianas, 2nd Edition. Biological Diversity of the Guianas Program, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC. 238 pp. [also available online on Smithsonian's Natural History Web.]

31. Markezich, A.R., C. Cole and H.C. Dessauer. 1997. The blue and green whiptail lizards (Squamata: Teiidae: Ctemidophorus) of the Peninsula de Paraguana, Venezuela: Systematics, ecology, descriptions of two new taxa and relationships to whiptails of the Guianas. American Museum Novitates 3207, 60 pp., 27 figures, 9 tables.

32. Shayt, D.H. and W.D. Todd. 1997. Keeping time in Guyana. Américas 49(6): 6-13.

33. Kelloff, C.L. and G. McKee. 1998. A new species of Hecistopteris from Guyana, South America. American Fern Journal 88 (4): 155-157.

34. Foster, George A. and Wayne N. Mathis. 1999. A revision of the Family Tethinidae (Diptera) from the Caribbean, Gulf of Mexico, and Bermuda. Proc. Entomol. Soc. Wash. 199(4): 601-632, 34 figures.

35. Brauman, A., J. Doré, D. Bignell, P. Eggleton, J.A. Breznak and M.D. Kane. 2001. Molecular phylogenetic profiling of prokaryotic communities in guts of termites with different feeding habits. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 35: 27-36.

35(a). Kizirian, David A. and Charles J. Cole. 1999. Origin of the unisexual lizard Gymnophthalmus underwoodi (Gymnophthalmidae) inferred from mitochondrial DNA nucleotide sequences. Molec. Phylog. Evol. 11(3): 394-400. [number duplicated]

36. Eggleton, P., R.G. Davies, M.D. Kane and S. Kambhampati. 1999. A checklist of termites (Isoptera) from Kaieteur National Park, Guyana. Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash.101(3):687-689.

37. Funk, V.A., M.F. Zermoglio and N. Nasir. 1999. Testing the use of specimen collection data and GIS in biodiversity exploration and conservation decision making in Guyana. Biodiversity and Conservation 8: 727-751.

38. Henkel, T. 1999. New taxa and distribution records of Tylopilus from Dicymbe forests of Guyana. Mycologia 91(4):655-665.

39. Strong, M.T. 2001. Novelties in Rhynchospora (Cyperaceae) from the Guianas. Novon 11: 261-273.

40. Mathis, W.N. and Tadeusz Zatwarnicki. 2002. A phylogenetic study of the tribe Dryxini Zatwarnicki (Diptera: Ephydridae). Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology 617: 1-101.

41. Braun, M.J, D.W. Finch, M.B. Robbins and B.K. Schmidt. 2000. A Field Checklist of the Birds of Guyana. Biological Diversity of the Guianas Program, Smithsonian Institution, Washington DC. [also available online on Smithsonian's Natural History Website ]

42. Bourne, G.R., D.W. Weisrock, W. Prince and H.D. Clarke. In prep. Herpetological Journal.

43. Hollowell, T., V.A. Funk, C.L. Kelloff and G. Gharbarran. 2000. Smithsonian Plant Collections, Guyana: 1986 - 1987, John J. Pipoly III. Biological Diversity of the Guianas Program, Smithsonian Institution Washington, DC.

44. Henkel, T.W., M.C. Aime and S.L. Miller. 2000. Systematics of pleurotoid Russulaceae from Guyana and Japan, with notes on their ectomycorrhizal status. Mycologia 92 (6): 1119-1132.

45. Chanderbali, A.S., H. van der Werff, and S.S. Renner. 2001. Phylogeny and historical biogeography of Lauraceae: evidence from the chloroplast and nuclear genomes. Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 81: 104-134.

46. Clarke, H.D., V. Funk and T. Hollowell. 2001. Using checklists and collections data to investigate plant diversity. I: A comparative checklist of the plant diversity of the Iwokrama Forest, Guyana. Sida Botanical Miscellany 21: 1-86.

47. Richardson, K. and V. Funk. 1999. An approach to designing a systematic protected area system in Guyana. Parks 9 (1): 7-16. [not numbered in published paper]

48. Miller, O.K, , Jr. , T.W. Henkel, T.Y. James and S.L. Miller. 2001. Pseudotulostoma, a new genus in the Elaphomycetaceae from Guyana. Mycological Research 105 (10): 1268-1272. [listed in error as BDG number 45 in publication]

49. Simmons C., T.W. Henkel and C. Bas. 2002. The genus Amanita in the Pakaraima Mountains of Guyana. Persoonia 17 (4):563-582.

50. Henkel, T.W. 2001. Tylopilus pakaraimensis sp. nov., a new species of Tylopilus section Potamogetones from Guyana. Mycotaxon 78: 105-114.

51. Henkel, T.W., J. Terborgh and R. Vilgalys. 2002. Ectomycorrhizal fungi and their leguminous hosts in the Pakaraima Mountains of Guyana. Mycological Research 106: 516-532.

52. Feuillet, C. 2002. A new series and three new species of Passiflora subgenus Astrophea from the Guianas. Brittonia 54(1): 18–29.

53. Barber, B.R. and M.B. Robbins. 2002. Nest and Eggs of the Tepui Antpitta (Myrmothera simplex). Wilson Bulletin 114(3): 287–288

54. MacCulloch, R.D. and A. Lathrop. 2001. A new species of Arthrosaura (Sauria: Teiidae) from the highlands of Guyana. Caribbean Journal of Science 37: 174-181.

55. MacCulloch, R.D. and A. Lathrop. 2002. Exceptional diversity of Stefania (Anura: Hylidae) on Mount Ayanganna, Guyana: three new species and new distribution records. Herpetologica 58(3):327-346.

56. Shapley, R., D. Wilson, A. Warren and A. Barnett. 2005. Bats of the Potaro Plateau Region, Western Guyana. Mammalia 69 (3-4): 375-394.

57. Hollowell, T., P. Berry, V. Funk, C. Kelloff. 2001. Preliminary Checklist of the Plants of the Guiana Shield (Venezuela: Amazonas, Bolívar, Delta Amacuro; Guyana; Surinam; French Guiana). Volume 1: Acanthaceae - Lythraceae. Biological Diversity of the Guianas Program, Smithsonian Institution, Washington DC. 134 pp.

58. Feuillet, C. and L.E. Skog. 2002 (2003). Novae Gesneriaceae Neotropicarum XI.. New genera and species from the Guianas. Brittonia 54 (4): 344-351.

59. Feuillet, C. and L.E. Skog. 2002 (2003). Novae Gesneriaceae Neotropicarum XII. New species of Gesneriaceae from the Guianas. Brittonia 54 (4): 352-361.

60. Funk, V.A., A. Sakai, and K. Richardson. 2002. Biodiversity: the interface

between systematics and conservation. Systematic Biology 51 (2): 235-237.

61. Funk, V.A. and K. Richardson. 2002. Systematic data in biodiversity studies: Use it or lose it. Systematic Biology 51 (2): 303-316.

62. Miller S.L., M.C. Aime, and T.W. Henkel. 2002. The Russulaceae of the Pakaraima Mountains of Guyana. I. New species of pleurotoid Lactarius. Mycologia 94:545-553.

63. Hollowell, T., L.J. Gillespie, V.A. Funk and C.L. Kelloff. 2003. Smithsonian Plant Collections, Guyana: 1989 - 1991, Lynn J. Gillespie. Contributions from the United States National Herbarium 44: 104 pages.

64. Mathis, W. N. and I. S. Winkler. 2003. A review of the neotropical species of Brachydeutera Loew (Diptera: Ephydridea). Proc. Entomol. Soc. Wash. 105(2): 407-424.

65. Mathis, W. and M.D. Trautwein. 2003. A revision and phylogenetic study of Lipochaeta Coquillett (Diptera: Ephydridae). Proc. Entomol. Soc. Wash. 105(1): 30-49.

66. Feuillet, C. 2003. Three new species of Cordia L. (Boraginaceae) from the Guianas. Novon 13: 433–437.

67. Feuillet, C. 2004. Passiflora phellos, a new species of subgenus Passiflora (Passifloraceae) from northern South America. Novon 14 (3): 285-287.

68. Henkel. T.W. 2002. Monodominance in the ectomycorrhizal Dicymbe corymbosa (Caesalpiniaceae) from Guyana. Journal of Tropical Ecology 19: 417-437.

69. Edmiston, J. F. and W. N. Mathis. 2005. A Revision of the New World Species of the Shore-fly Subgenus Nostima Coquillett (Diptera: Ephydridae: Genus Philygria Stenhammar). Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology 623: 1-108.

70. Braun, M.J., M.B. Robbins, C.M. Milensky, B.J. O'Shea, B.R. Barber, W. Hinds and W.S. Prince. 2003. New birds for Guyana from Mts. Roraima and Ayanganna. Bull. Brit. Orn. Club 123(1): 24-32.

71. Matheny, P. B., Aime, C. M. and Henkel, T. W. 2003. New species of Inocybe from Dicymbe forests of Guyana. Mycological Research 107(4): 495-505.

72. Mathis, W.N. and T. Zatwarnicki. 2004. A Revision of the Shore-Fly genus Cressonomyia Arnaud (Diptera: Ephydridae), with comments on species that have been excluded. Proc. Entomol. Soc. Wash. 106(2): 249-279.

73. Robbins, M.B., M.J. Braun and D.W. Finch. 2003. Discovery of a population of the endangered Red Siskin (Carduelis cucullata) in Guyana. The Auk 120(2): 291-298.

74. Aime, M.C., T.W. Henkel, and L. Ryvarden. 2003 . Studies in Neotropical polypores 15: new and interesting species from Guyana. Mycologia 95(4): 614-619.

75. Miller, S.L. and T.W. Henkel. 2004. Biology and molecular ecology of subiculate Lactarius species from Guyana. In: C. Cripps (ed.). Fungi in Forest Ecosystems: Diversity, Ecology, and Systematics. Memoirs of the New York Botanic Garden 89: 297-312.

76. Thacker, J and T.W. Henkel. 2004. New species of Clavulina from Guyana. Mycologia 96: 650-657.

77. Kelloff, C.L. 2003. The use of biodiversity data in developing Kaieteur National Park, Guyana for ecotourism and conservation. Contributions to the Study of Biological Diversity 1: 1-44. University of Guyana.

78. Robbins, M.B., M.J. Braun and D.W. Finch. 2004. Avifauna of the Guyana southern Rupununi, with comparisons to other savannas of northern South America. Ornitologia Neotropical 15:173-200.

79. Robbins, M.B., M .J. Braun, C.J. Huddleston, D.W. Finch, and C.M. Milensky. 2005. First Guyana records, natural history and systematics of the White-naped Seedeater Dolospingus fringilloides. Ibis 147(2): 334-341.

80. Henkel, T.W., M.C. Aime, M. Chin, and C. Andrew. 2004. Edible mushrooms from Guyana's Pakaraima Mountains. The Mycologist 18(3): 104-111.

81. Henkel, T.W., P. Roberts, and M.C. Aime. 2004. Sebacinoid species from the Pakaraima Mountains of Guyana. Mycotaxon 89(2): 433-439.

82. MacCulloch, R.D. and A. Lathrop. 2005. Hylid Frogs from Mount Ayanganna, Guyana: New species, redescriptions, and distributional records. Phyllomedusa 4(1): 17-37.

83. Feuillet C. 2007. Folia taxonomica 2. - New species of Passiflora subgenus Passiflora (Passifloraceae) from the Guianas. J. Bot. Res. Inst. Texas 1(2): 819 - 825.

84. Kelloff, C.L. and V.A. Funk. 2004. Phytogeography of the Kaieteur Falls, Potaro Plateau, Guyana: floral distributions and affinities. Journal of Biogeography 31: 501-513. (Number omitted from hard-copy publication.)

85. Feuillet C. and J.M. MacDougal. In prep. Folia taxonomica 4. - New species of Passiflora subg. Decaloba (Passifloraceae) from northern South America. .

86. Funk, V.A. and P.E. Berry. 2005. Chapter 10.4: The Guiana Shield. Pp 76-79 (references 89-92) in G.A. Krupnick and W.J. Kress (eds). Plant Conservation: A Natural History Approach. University of Chicago Press.

87. Hollowell, T., T. McDowell, V.A. Funk, C.L. Kelloff and D. Gopaul. 2004. Smithsonian Plant Collections, Guyana: 1990 - 1991, Tim McDowell. Contributions from the United States National Herbarium 50: 1- 150.

88. Clarke H.D. and V.A. Funk. 2005. Using checklists and collections data to investigate plant diversity. II: An analysis of five florulas from northeastern South America. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 154: 29-37.

89. MacCulloch, R.D. and A. Lathrop. 2004. Micrurus ibiboboca (Squamata: Elapidae) is not a Guiana Shield Species. Phyllomedusa 3(2): 141-144.

90. Rice, N. and C. Milensky. In Press. Myrmornis nest in Guyana. Wilson Bulletin.

91. Funk, V.A., K.S. Richardson, and S. Ferrier. 2005. Survey-gap analysis in expeditionary research: Where do we go from here? Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 85: 549-567. [erroneously cited as number 86 in printed article]

92. Henkel, T.W., J. Mayor, and L. Woolley. 2005. Mast fruiting and seedling survival of the ectomycorrhizal, monodominant Dicymbe corymbosa (Caesalpiniaceae) in Guyana. New Phytologist 167(1): 543-556.

93. Braun. M.J., M.L. Isler, P.R. Isler, J.M. Bates and M.B. Robbins. 2005. Avian speciation in the Pantepui: The case of the Roraiman Antbird (Percnostola [Schistocichla] "leucostigma" saturata). Condor 107 (2): 327-341.

94. Donnelly, M.A., R.D. MacCulloch, C.A. Ugarte and D. Kizirian. 2006. A new riparian Gymnophthalmid (Squamata) from Guyana. Copeia 3: 396-403.

95. LaPolla, J.S., T. Suman, J. Sossa-Calvo, and T.R. Schultz. 2007. Leaf litter ant diversity of Guyana. Biodiversity and Conservation 16(2):491-510

96. LaPolla, J.S. and S.P. Cover. 2005. New Species of Pheidole (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) from Guyana, with a List of Species Known from the Country. Two new Pheidole for Guyana. Transactions of the American Entomological Society 131 (3+4): 365-374.

97. Strong, M.T. 2005. Two new species of Rhynchospora section Tenues (Cyperaceae) from the Guianas, South America. Novon 15(3): 479-483.

98. Strong, M.T. 2006. Taxonomy and distribution of Rhynchospora (Cyperaceae) in the Guianas, South America. Contributions of the United States National Herbarium 53:1-225.

99. MacCulloch, R.D. and A. Lathrop. 2004. A new species of Dipsas (Squamata: Colubridae) from Guyana. Revista de Biologia Tropical 52(1): 329-347.

100. LaPolla, J.S., T.R. Schultz, K.M. Kjer, and J.F. Bischoff. 2006. Phylogenetic Position of the ant genus Acropyga (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) and the Evolution of Trophophoresy. Insect Systematics and Evolution 37(3): 197-212.

101. Hollowell, T. and R.P. Reynolds, eds. 2005. Checklist of the terrestrial vertebrates of the Guiana Shield. Bulletin of the Biological Society of Washington 13.

102. Henkel T.W., R. Meszaros, M.C. Aime and A. Kennedy. 2005. New Clavulina species from the Pakaraima Mountains of Guyana. Mycological Progress 4(4): 343-350.

103. Henkel, T.W., T.Y. James, S.L. Miller, M.C. Aime, and O.K. Miller, Jr. 2006. The mycorrhizal status of Pseudotulostoma volvata (Elaphomycetaceae, Eurotiales, Ascomycota). Mycorrhiza 16(4): 241-244.

104. MacCulloch, R.D., A. Lathrop and S.Z. Khan. Submitted. A new species of Adelophryne (Anura: Leptodactylidae) from Guyana, with remarks on A. gutturosa. Zootaxa.

105. Hernández, J.R., M.C. Aime, and T.W. Henkel. 2005. The rust fungi (Uredinales) of Guyana. Sydowia 57(2): 189-222.

106. MacCulloch, R.D., A. Lathrop and S.Z. Khan. 2006. Exceptional Diversity of Stefania (Anura: Hemiphractinae) II: Six Species from Mount Wokomung, Guyana. Phyllomedusa 5(1): 31-41.

107. LaPolla, J.S., and J. Sossa-Calvo. 2006. Review of the Ant Genus Rogeria (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in Guyana. Zootaxa 1330:59-68.

108. Mayor, J.R., Henkel, T.W. 2006. Do ectomycorrhizas alter leaf litter decomposition in monodominant tropical forests of Guyana? New Phytologist 169(3):579-588.

109. Kok, P., R. MacCulloch, G. Bourne and A. Lathrop. 2006. A new species of Colostethus (Anura: Dendrobatidae) from French Guiana, with a redescription of Colostethus beebei. Phyllomedusa 5(1): 43-66.

110. Lathrop, A. and R.D. MacCulloch. 2007. A New Species of Oreophrynella (Anura: Bufonidae) from Mount Ayanganna, Guyana. Herpetologica 63(1): 87-93.

111. MacCulloch, R.D., A. Lathrop, R.P. Reynolds, J.C. Señaris and G.E. Schneider. 2007. Hereptofauna of Mount Roraima, Guiana Shield region, northeastern South America. Herpetological Review 38(1): 24-30.

112. Mathis, W.N. and T. Zatwarnicki. 2006. A review of the New World species of the shore-fly genus Leptopsilopa Cresson (Diptera: Ephydridae). Annales Zoologici (Warszawa) 56(1): 85-138.

113. Cole, C.J. and P.J.R. Kok. 2006. A new species of gekkonid lizard (Sphaerodactylinae: Gonatodes) from Guyana, South America. American Museum Novitates 3524: 1-13.

114. Milensky Ornithological Society

115. Henkel, T.W., M.C. Aime, H. Mehl, and S.L. Miller. 2006. Cantharellus pleurotoides, a new and unusual basidiomycete from Guyana. (accepted to Mycological Research August 2006)

116. Woolley LP, Henkel TW, Sillet SC. 2006. Reiteration in the Monodominant Tropical Tree Dicymbe corymbosa (Caesalpiniaceae) and its Potential Adaptive Significance. In revision in Biotropica as of Aug 18, 2006.

117. Fulgenzi TD, TW Henkel, RE Halling. 2007. Tylopilus orsonianus sp. nov. and Tylopilus eximius from Guyana. submitted Nov. 16, 2006 to Mycologia.

118. Kok, P.J.R., M.N.C. Kokubum, R.D. MacCulloch and A. Lathrop. 2007. Morphological variation in Leptodactylus lutzi (Anura, Leptodactylidae) with description of its advertisement call and notes on its courtship behavior. Phyllomedusa 6: 45–60.

119. Mark B. Robbins, Michael J. Braun, Christopher M. Milensky, Brian K. Schmidt, Waldyke Prince, Nathan H. Rice, Davis W. Finch, & Brian J. O'Shea XXXX. Avifauna of the upper Essequibo River and Acary Mountains, Southern Guyana, with comparisons to other Guianan Shield sites.

120. MacCulloch, R.D. and A. Lathrop. XXXX Herpetofauna of Mount Ayanganna, Guyana: Results of the Royal Ontario Museum Ayanganna Expedition 2000. submitted to the Royal Ontario Museum Science Publication Series.

121. Braun, M.J, D.W. Finch, M.B. Robbins and B.K. Schmidt. 2007. A Field Checklist of the Birds of Guyana, 2nd Edition. Smithsonian Institution, Washington DC.

122. MacCulloch, R.D., A. Lathrop, L.R. Minter and S.Z. Khan. XXXX Otophryne (Microhylidae) from the highlands of Guyana: redescriptions, tadpoles and new distributions. submitted to Papeis Avulsos de Zoologia.

123. Carvalho, V.T., R.D. MacCulloch, L. Bonora and R.C. Vogt. XXXX A New Species of Stefania (Anura: Cryptobatrachidae) from northern Amazonas, Brazil submitted to Journal of Hereptology

124. Aime, M.C., Ryvarden, L, Henkel, T.W. 2007. Studies in Neotropical polypores 22. Additional new and rare species from Guyana. Synopsis Fungorum 23: 15-31

125. Funk, V., T. Hollowell, P. Berry, C. Kelloff, and S.N. Alexander. 2007. Checklist of the Plants of the Guiana Shield (Venezuela: Amazonas, Bolivar, Delta Amacuro; Guyana, Surinam, French Guiana). Contributions from the United States National Herbarium 55: 1-580.

126. Henkel, T.W., Aime, M.C., Mehl, H.K.. 2007. Craterellus excelsus sp. nov. from Guyana. Submitted to Mycological Research 5-07 or Persoonia

127. Largent, D.L., Henkel, T.W., Aime, M.C., Baroni, T.J.. 2008. The Entolomataceae of the Pakaraima Mountains of Guyana I: Four new species of Entoloma s. str. Submitted to Mycologia: 100:132-140.

128. Feuillet, F. 2007. Folia taxonomica 3. Passiflora davidii (Passifloraceae), a new species in subgenus Passiflora and a key to the sections of supersection Stipulata. J. Bot. Res. Inst. Texas 1 (2): 895-898.

129. Redden, K. XXXX. A new species of Paloue (Caesalpinioideae: Leguminosae: Detarieae) from Guyana South America. 130. Fulgenzi TD, Mayor JR, Henkel TW, Halling RE. (Submitted) New species of Boletellus from Guyana. Mycologia

131. Mayor JR, TD Fulgenzi, TW Henkel, and RE Halling. (Submitted) Boletellus piakaius sp. nov. and a new distribution record for Boletellus ananas from Guyana. Mycological Progress

132. Degagne RS, Henkel TW, Steinberg SJ. (Submitted) Preliminary assessment of the distribution of monodominant Dicymbe (Caesalpiniaceae) forests in Guyana using satellite imagery. Biotropica

133. Largent DL, Aime MC, Henkel TW, Baroni TJ. Xxxx. The Entolomataceae of the Pakaraima Mountains of Guyana II: Inocephalus dragonosporus comb.nov. Submitted to Mycotaxon

134. Feuillet C. 2008. Folia taxonomica 4. Conspectus of Myriopus (Heliotropiaceae, Boraginales) in the Guiana Shield.

135. Christian Feuillet XXXX-- Folia Taxonomica 6. Two new species of Besleria (Gesneriaceae) from the Venezuelan Guayana. J. Bot. Res. Inst. Texas 2 (1):

136. Christian Feuillet XXXX-- Folia Taxonomica 7. Two new species and a new section in Episcia (Gesneriaceae) from the Venezuelan Guayana. J. Bot. Res. Inst. Texas 2 (1):

137. Christian Feuillet XXXX – Folia Taxonomica 8. Passiflora tecta, a new species in subgenus Passiflora from the Guianas. J.Bot. Res. Inst. Texas 2 (1):

138. Largent, D.L., M.C. Aime, T.W. Henkel, T.J. Baroni. XXXX. The Entolomataceae of the Pakaraima Mountains of Guyana II: Inocephalus dragonosporus comb. nov. submitted to Mycotaxon on 1 may 2008.

139. Kelloff, C.L. 2008. Structure and diversity of a riparian forest at Kaieteur National Park, Guyana. J.Bot. Res. Inst. Texas 2(1):521-545.

140. Feuillet, C. XXXX Folia Taxonomica 9. New species of Nautilocalyx (Gesneriaceae, Episcieae) from the Venezuelan Guayana. J.Bot. Res. Inst. Texas

141. Feuillet, C. XXXX Folia Taxonomica 11. Conspectus of Varronia (Cordiaceae, Boraginales) in the Guiana Shield with three new combinations. J.Bot. Res. Inst. Texas.

Plant Checklist

Associated (unnumbered) publications:*

Agnarsson, I. 2003. The phylogenetic placement and circumscription of the genus Synotaxus (Araneae: Synotaxidae), a new species from Guyana, and notes on theridioid phylogeny. Invertebrate Systematics 17: 719-734.

Ahti, T. and H. Sipman. 1997. Key to the Cladoniaceae of the Guianas. [Available at]

Anderson, C. 1997. Monograph of Stigmaphyllon (Malpighiaceae). Systematic Botany Monographs 51: 1-313.

Anderson, W.R. 1997. Notes on Neotropical Malpighiaceae - IV. Contr. Univ. Michigan Herb. 21: 37-84.

Anderson, W.R. 1999. Notes on Neotropical Malpighiaceae - VII. Contr. Univ. Michigan Herb. 22: 1-19.

Barneby, R.C., J. Grimes and O. Poncy. 1995 (in prep). Mimosaceae. In A.R.A. Görts-van Rijn, Flora of the Guianas (series A).

Chanderbali, A. 1996. Novelties in Guianan Endlicheria (Lauraceae). Novon 6(4): 328-334.

Christenson, E. 1997. Guayana protraits: Maxillaria bolivarensis. Maxillarieae 1(3): 22-23.

Christenson, E. (in press). Sarcoglottis in Guayana. Orchid Digest.

Cole, C.J. and P.J.R. Kok. 2006. A new species of gekkonid lizard (Schaerodactylinae: Gonatodes) from Guyana, South America. American Museum Novitates 3524:1-13.

Comiskey, J., F. Dallmeier, G. Aymard and A. Hanson. 1993. Biodiversity Survey of Kwakwani, Guyana. SI/MAB Program, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC.

Comiskey, J.A., G. Aymard and F. Dallmeier. 1994. Structure and composition of lowland mixed forest in the Kwakwani region of Guyana. Biollania 10: 13-28.

DeFilipps, R.A. 1992. Ornamental Garden Plants of the Guianas. Department of Botany, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC. 363 pp.

DeFilipps, R.A. and S.L. Maina. 2003. Phytolaccaceae, (+ remarks on Achatocarpaceae), Nyctaginaceae, Aizoaceae, Chenopodiaceae, Amaranthaceae, Portulacaceae,.Basellaceae, Molluginaceae, Caryophyllaceae. In: M.J. Jansen-Jacobs, Flora of the Guianas, Fascicle 22 (series A). Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, U.K.

DeFilipps, R.A., S.L. Maina and J. Crepin. 2004. Medicinal Plants of the Guianas (Guyana, Surinam, French Guiana). Biological Diversity of the Guiana Shield Program, Smithsonian Institution. (web publication only)

Elias, M. and D. McKey. 2000. The unmanaged reproductive ecology of domesticated plants in traditional agroecosystems: An example involving cassava and a call for data. Acta Oecologica 21 (3): 223-230.

Elias, M., D. McKey, O. Panaud, M.C. Anstett and T. Robert. 2001. Traditional management of cassava morphological and genetic diversity by the Makushi Amerindians (Guyana, South America): Perspectives for on-farm conservation of crop genetic resources. Euphytica 120: 143-157.

Elias, M., O. Panaud and T. Robert. 2000. Assessment of genetic variability in a traditional cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) farming system, using AFLP markers. Heredity 85: 219-230.

Elias, M., L. Penet, P. Vindry, D. McKey, O. Panaud and T. Robert. 2001. Unmanaged sexual reproduction and the dynamics of genetic diveristy of a vegetatively propagated crop plant, cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz), in a traditional farming system. Molecular Ecology 10: 1895-1907.

Elias, M., L. Rival and D. McKey. 2001. Perception and management of cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) diversity among Makushi Amerindians of Guyana (South America, Journal of Ethnobiology 20(2): 239-65.

Engstrom, M.D. and B.K. Lim. 2002. Mamíferos de Guyana. In: Ceballos, G. y J. A. Simonetti (eds.). 2002. Diversidad y Conservación de los Mamíferos Neotropicales. CONABIO-UNAM. México, D.F.

Ferrier, S., G.V.N. Powell, K.S. Richardson, G. Manion, J.M. Overton, T.F. Allnutt, S.E. Cameron, K. Mantle, N.D. Burgess, D.P. Faith, J.F. Lamoreux, G. Kier, R.J. Hijmans, V.A. Funk, G.A. Cassis, B.L. Fisher, P. Flemons, D. Lees, J.C. Lovett, and R.S.A.R. van Rompaey. 2004. Mapping more of terrestrial biodiversity for global conservation assessment. BioScience 54 (12): 1101-1109.

Fratello, S. 2001. Falls from paradise. Natural History 110: 26-28.

Fratello, S. 2003 (NOT included in 2003 report). Guyana Expeditions (January-April 2001). News of the Lepidopterists' Society 45(4): 109-111, 116-121.

Funk, V.A. 1997. Using collections data and GIS to examine biodiversity information levels in Guyana. Pages 117-128 in: Hoagland , K.E. and A.Y. Rossman, eds., Global Genetic Resources: Access, Ownership, and Intellectual Property Rights. Association of Systematics Collections.

Funk, V.A. 2003. The importance of herbaria. Plant Science Bulletin 49(3): 94-95.

Funk, V.A. 2003. 100 uses for an herbarium: well at least 72. ASPT Newsletter 17(2): 17-19.

Funk, V.A. 2003. Down with alphabetically arranged herbaria (and alphabetically arranged floras too for that matter). Plant Science Bulletin 49(4): 131-132.

Funk, V.A. and C.L. Kelloff. 1994. Issues and approaches to plant diversity studies. Abstract, AIBS 1994.

Gillespie, L.J. and V.A. Funk. 1993. Biodiversity and conservation in Guyana: A new centre for the study of biodiversity. Global Diversity (Canadian Museum of Nature) 3(1): 7-11.

Hayden, S.M., and W.J. Hayden. 1996. A revision of Disocarpus (Euphorbiaceae). Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 83:153-167.

Henkel, T. 1994. Up the wild green yonder: A botanical expedition to Mt. Wokomung, Guyana. South American Explorer 36: 5-11.

Henkel, T. 1995. Journey through a lost world: Canoeing through on of South America's great wilderness areas: tepui country of Guyana. Earth, December 1995: 52-59.

Henkel, T.W. 2005. Parakari, an indigenous fermented cassava beverage utilizing amylolytic Rhizopus in Guyana. Mycologia 97(1): 1-11.

Hoff, M., G. Cremers and J. Boggan. 1996. Study on the flora of the Guianas No. 84: New records for French Guiana, 1992-1994. Wildenowia 26: 301-320.

Judziewicz, E.J. 1990. Poaceae. In A.R.A. Görts-van Rijn, Flora of the Guianas (ser. A) 8:1-725.

Kelloff, C.L. 2002. Plant Diversity of Kaieteur National Park, Guyana: Using Plant Data as a Tool in Conservation and Development. Doctoral Thesis, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA.

Kelloff, C.L. and V.A. Funk. 1993. The relationship between the plants and the geology of the Guiana Shield. Abstract, AIBS 1993.

Kelloff, C.L., V.A. Funk and I. Ramdass. 1992. Biological Diversity of the Guianas Program, Smithsonian Institution. Abstract, AIBS 1992.

Kok, P.J., G.R. Bourne, D. Arjoon, N.M. Wulff and G.L. Lenglet. 2005. Colostethus beebei. Charismatic Jewel of the Lost World: The Golden Rocket Frog. Reptilia 38: 47-53.

Kok, P.J. 2006. A new snake of the genus Atractus Wagler, 1828 (Reptilia: Squamata: Colubridae) from Kaieteur National Park, Guyana, northeastern South America. Zootaxa 1378: 19-35.

Kok, P.J.R., H. Sambhu, I. Roopsind, G.L. Lenglet and G.R. Bourne. 2006. A new species of Colostethus (Anura: Dendrobatidae) with maternal care from Kaieteur national Park, Guyana. Zootaxa 1238: 35-61.

Kok, P.J. 2006. A new species of Hypsiboas (Amphibia: Anura: Hylidae) from Kaieteur National Park, eastern edge of the Pakaraima Mountains, Guyana. Biologie 76:191-200.

Kok, P.J. and Castroviejo-Fisher, S. 2008. Glassfrogs (Anura: Centrolenidae) of Kaieteur National Park, Guyana, with notes on the distribution and taxonomy of some species of the family in the Guiana Shield. Zootaxa 1680:25-53.

LaPolla, J.S. 2004. Acropyga (Hymenoptera:Formicidae) of the World. Contributions of the American Entomological Institute 33(3) 1-130.

Lehman, S.M. 2000. Primate community structure in Guyana: A biogeographic analysis. International Journal of Priamatology 21 (3): 333-351.

Lehman, S.M. (In prep.) Variations in group size in white-faced sakis (Pithecia pithecia pithecia): Evidence for monogamy or seasonal congregations? Unpublished manuscript.

Lehman, S.M. 2004. Distributions and diversity of primates in Guyana: Species area relationships and riverine barriers. International Journal of Primatology 25 (1): 73-95.

Lellinger, D.B. 1991. Hymenophyllopsidaceae. In A.R.A. Görts-van Rijn, ed., Flora of the Guianas (series B) 4: 82-86.

Lellinger, D.B. 1994. Hymenophyllaceae. In A.R.A. Görts-van Rijn, Flora of the Guianas (series B) 3: 1-66.

Lim, B.K. and M.D. Engstrom. 2001. Species diversity of bats (Mammalia: Chiroptera) in Iwokrama Forest, Guyana, and the Guianan subregion: implications for conservation. Biodiversity and Conservation 10: 613-657.

Lim, B.K. and M.D. Engstrom. 2001. Bat community structure at Iwokrama Forest, Guyana. Jouranal of Tropical Ecology 17: 647-665.

Lim, B.K., A. Townsend Peterson, and M.D. Engstrom. 2002. Robustness of ecological niche modeling algorithms for mammals in Guyana. Biodiversity and Conservation 11: 1237-1246.

MacCulloch, R.D. 2005. A tale of two tepuis. Rotunda 38(2): 32-41.

MacCulloch, R.D. & A. Lathrop. 2004. Micrurus ibiboboca (Serpentes, Elapidae) is not a Guiana Shield Species. Phyllomedusa 3(2): 141-144.

McKey, D., L. Emperaire, M. Elias, F. Pinton, T. Robert, S. Desmoulière and L. Rival. 2001. Gestions locales et dynamiques regionals de la diversité variétale de manioc en Amazonie. Genetics, Selection and Evolution 33 (Suppl. 1): S465-S490.

Morillo, G. 1991. Once Asclepiadaceae Sudamericanas nuevas para la ciencia. Ernstia 1(3): 109-120.

Morillo, G. 1993. Asclepiadaceae nuevas o interesantes de Venezuela y Guyana. Ernstia 3(2): 61-70.

Morillo, G. 1994. Seis Asclepiadaceae Sudamericanas nuevas para la ciencia. Ernstia 4(1-2): 3-10.

Musser, G.D., M.D. Carleton, E.M. Brothers and A.L. Gardner. 1998. Systematic Studies of Oryzomyine rodents (Muridae, Sigmodontinae): Diagnoses and distributions of species formerly assigned to Oryzomys "capito." Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, No 236.

Noonan, B.P. and R.M. Bonett. 2003. A new species of Hyalinobatrachium (Anura: Centrolenidae) from the highlands of Guyana. Journal of Herpetology 37(1): 91-97.

Noonan, B.P. and P. Gaucher. 2005. Phylogeography and demography of Guianan Harlequin Toads (Atelopus): Diversification within a refuge. Molecular Ecology 14: 3017-3031.

Noonan, B.P. and M.B. Harvey. 2000. A new species of glass frog (Anura: Centrolenidae) from the highlands of Guyana. Herpetologica 56(3): 294-302.

Parker, T.A., III, R.B. Foster, L.H. Emmons, P. Freed, A.B. Forsyth, B. Hoffman and B.D. Gill. 1993. A biological Assessment of the Kanuku Mountain region of southwestern Guyana. Conservation International, RAP Working Papers 5.

Pennington, R.T. 1993. The Commonwealth and Government of Guyana Rain Forest Programme, Phase I, Site Resource Survey, Botanical Studies. Chatham, UK: Natural Resources Institute.

Phillips-Conroy, J. and R.W. Sussman. 1994. A study of the primates of Guyana: Survey and 20 year comparison. Report on research, Jan.-Feb. 1994.

Pipoly, J.J. 1992. The genus Cybianthus subgenus Conomorpha (Myrsinaceae) in Guayana. Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 79(4): 908-957.

Presswell, B., S.H. Weitzman, and T. Bergquist. 2000. Skiotocharax meiozon, a new genus and species of fish from Guyana with a discussion of its relationships (Characiformes: Crenuchidae). Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters 11 (2): 175-192.

Pruski, J. 1991. Compositae of the Guayana Highland - V. The Mutisieae of the lost world of Brazil, Colombia, and Guyana. Bol. Mus. Para. Emilio Goeldi, sér. Bot. 7(2).

Pruski, J. 1996. Compositae of the Guayana Highland - X. Reduction of Pollalesta to Piptacoma (Vernoniae: Piptocarphinae) and consequent nomenclatural adjustments. Novon 6: 96-102.

Richardson, K. 2000. Biodiversity Priorities and Conservation Decision-making: The Role of Spatial Scale, Irreplaceability and Vulnerability in Guyana. Doctoral Thesis, McGill Univeristy.

Roesel, C.S., W.J. Kress and B.M. Bowditch. 1993. Genetic variation in Phenakospermum guyannense (Strelitziaceae), a bat-pollinated, arborescent herb of the Neotropics. Abstract, ATB 1993 Meeting.

Sastre, C. 1998. Novelties in Sauvagesioideae (Ochnaceae) from Venezuela and Guyana. Novon 8: 301-303.

Sipman, H. 1994. Checklist of Lichenized Fungi of the Guianas.

Sipman, H. 1996. Key to the Lichen Genera of the Guianas.

Smith, E.N. & B.P. Noonan. 2001. A new species of Osteocephalus (Anura: Hylidae) from Guyana. Revista Biologia Tropical 49(1): 345-355.

Stergios, B. 1996. Contributions to South American Caesalpiniaceae. II. A taxonomic update of Campsiandra (Caesalpinieae). Novon 6: 434-459.

Strong, M.T. 1993. Two overlooked species of Bulbostylis (Cyperaceae) from South America. Brittonia 45(2): 162-168.

Strong, M.T. 1994. Two new species of Scleria sect. Scleria (Cyperaceae) from the neotropics. Novon 4: 296-302.

Thacker, J.R., T.W. Henkel, and R.Vilgalys. 2001. Extreme morphological variability among sympatric neotropical species of Clavulina and Craterellus. Phytopathology 91(6 suppl.): S125.

van der Werff, H. and A. Vicentini. 2000. New Species of Lauraceae from Central Amazonia, Brazil. Novon 10: 264-297.

Wasshausen, D.C. 2002. New species of Justicia (Acanthaceae) from the Guianas. Brittonia 54(4): 286-297.

Wasshausen, D. (In prep.). Acanthaceae. In A.R.A. Görts-van Rijn, Flora of the Guianas (series A).

Wurdack, J.J., T. Morley and S. Renner. 1994. Melastomataceae. In A.R.A. Görts-van Rijn, Flora of the Guianas (series A) 13: 1-425.


*includes papers supported by BDG funds, staff, and/or specimens.

BDG publications in preparation:

Hollowell, T., B. Hoffman, V.A. Funk and C.L. Kelloff. In prep. Smithsonian Plant Collections, Guyana: 1991 - 1993, Bruce Hoffman. Contributions from the United States National Herbarium.


Revised July 2008

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