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Do you know who built the 150-year-old fort that has its remains in downtown Las Vegas? Or what percentage of Sweden's population is foreign-born? Find out in our WorldWise quizzes.
Witness the transcendent yet vulnerable wilderness of the Kronotsky Reserve, a fiercely protected area graced with geysers, volcanoes, and uninterrupted flora and fauna.
Explore Saturn’s rings and moons, get quick facts, and see how much you would weigh on this big and beautiful planet.
Why do tigers have stripes? Find out in this gallery showcasing the world's largest cat hunting, playfighting, lounging, and licking.
There are some places that stand out, and not for the better. Get Costas Christ's top ten worst green travel destinations, and find out why these places are best avoided.

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Deadly Animals
Fascinating but ferocious, admire these animals safely at home.
The Powerful Earth
Take a closer look at what our planet has been doing for the past few billion years.
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