The Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation, Inc.    
To Fertilize and Spray For Weed Control, Or Not To, That Is The Question

Pasture & Range: September 1996
Other Pasture & Range Articles

by R.L. Dalrymple

Many years ago Gary Simmons, then a NF Soil Fertility Specialist, reported some relative yields from common bermudagrass with weed control and nitrogen (N) application (Table 1). Later we did a more comprehensive research trial that included nitrogen rates, dates, and sources (Tables 2 & 3). Jerry Rogers and Wadell Altom also have other N response data.

Table 1. Influence of 2,4-D and Nitrogen on Weed Control and Common Bermudagrass
Headquarters Farm
TreatmentBermuda1 Ragweed1 Lb. Grass/Lb. N % BG Increase
None733 591 - 0
2,4-D2 1091 0 - 49
34-0-03 967 758 7 32
2,4-D2+34-0-03 1594 0 25 117
  1Yields expressed in lb./acre
  2At 1 Lb./Ac.
  3At 34 Lb. N/Ac.

Table 2. Pounds/Acre of Midland Bermudagrass and Weeds Relative to Nitrogen and Weed Control
Kennedy Farm
Treatment1 Application
Total Lb.
Bermuda2 Weeds2 Total2 Lb. Grass/
Lb. N
% of 50
Lb. N
None 0 0 1050 943 1993 - 48
2,4-D May 0 850 0 850 - 21
34-0-0 May 50 2367 1777 4144 26 100
28-0-0, Spray May 50 1667 1050 2717 12 159
28-0-0, Dribble May 50 1553 727 2280 10 148
34-0-0 May & Aug 100 6497 1543 8040 54 619
28-0-0, Spray May & Aug 100 3237 620 3857 22 308
28-0-0, Dribble May & Aug 100 3553 1423 4976 25 338
34-0-0+2,4-D May 50 4310 0 4310 65 410
28-0-0+2,4-D, Spray May 50 2080 67 2140 21 198
28-0-0+2,4-D, Dribble May 50 2210 440 2650 23 210
34-0-0+2,4-D May & Aug 100 6657 0 6657 56 634
34-0-0+2,4-D, Spray May & Aug 100 2683 20 2703 16 255
34-0-0+2,4-D, Dribble May & Aug 100 3557 456 4013 25 339
  1All areas received 0-40-40 lb./ac. P2O5-K2O. 2,4-D was applied at 1 lb./ac. as a separate application in 34-0-0 treatments and in solution with 28-0-0 treatments. Totals are from two harvests.
  2Yields are expressed in pounds/acre.

Table 3. Midland Bermudagrass Response to Nitrogen Sources
Pasture Demonstration Farm
Treatment Total Lb.
% of 50 Lb. N Lb. Grass/
Lb. N
None 0 1265 72 -
34-0-0 50 1746 100 10
100 2724 156 15
28-0-0, Spray 50 1496 85 5
100 2131 122 9
28-0-0, Dribble 50 1605 92 7
100 1824 104 6
*All areas were treated on April 25 and received 0-40-40 lb./ac. P2O5-K2O and a 2,4-D application for weed control at 1 lb./ac. Harvests to June 10 only; response and efficiency is incomplete.

The production benefits of 34-0-0 versus 28-0-0 are well illustrated by the fact that 28-0-0 produced only 38% the efficiency (lb. of grass/lb. N) in the study of Table 2 whereas it produced 80% of 34-0-0 in the study of Table 3. The 34-0-0 won in all cases.

Weed control with a water solution plus surfactant was 100% whereas weed control with 2,4-D mixed in the 28-0-0 liquid ranged 93% to 98%. The grass production benefits of using 2,4-D (or other modern herbicide) are well shown. Where there is a serious weed problem, as in these cases, the elimination of weeds plus the application of nitrogen fertilizer on the introduced grass produces tremendous results. 2,4-D weed control added an average of 22% to bermudagrass production when coupled with a nitrogen application. 34-0-0 at 50 N/acre with 2,4-D produced 82% more grass than the fertilizer alone. Weed control sharply increased nitrogen efficiency. There are numerous post-emergence herbicides for pasture available today: 2,4-D formulations, Banvel, Weedmaster, Grazon P+D, Amber, and other special use ones.

Where is our mind set? What are these things called weeds? What if they are nutritious and edible by beef cattle? Are they then forage? Yes! Is "weed" production bad then? Maybe not.

The study reported in Table 1 was with western ragweed. Table 2 results reflect marestail, western ragweed, poorjo, bitterweed, and bagpod. Only bitterweed and bagpod are relatively inedible or toxic. So, they probably do need the "deep six." But, the others can be biologically controlled, over time, by timely high density rotational stocking (grazing). We have done it many times. A few "weeds" in the paddocks is not aesthetically displeasing – if we understand the biological and economic dynamics of it.

It costs $8.00/acre, plus or minus $5.00/acre, to spray for weed control. I challenge you to put your own costs to the treatments and response. It is proven that most weeds can be used and controlled by rotational grazing. However, it is often best, in introduced intensive grass production situations, to control the weeds, fertilize to get thicker grass, and then manage production and grazing without herbicides, or at least very limited herbicides, thereafter.

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