The Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation, Inc.    
Tree Seedlings Available

Horticulture: February 1998
Other Horticulture Articles

by Dooly Barlow

This time of the year we receive several calls regarding tree plantings. In late winter and early spring, we receive plenty of moisture and the temperature is cool enough to plant. Transplanting trees in the winter when the moisture is high and temperatures are cool lessens the transplant shock. One should be careful not to plant in waterlogged soils. Several of our cooperators request sources of tree stock for planting on their places. The Oklahoma Forestry Division has a tree regeneration center where trees are grown for sale to landowners for nonlandscape use.

The nursery grows an array of tree and shrub species for Christmas tree production, potential timber sites, community forest projects, forest water quality management, and wildlife habitat plantings.

These trees are bare-rooted seedlings and range from 6 to 18 inches in height. The trees are packaged in bundles of 200 seedlings to allow for ease in shipping and handling.

Anyone on the mailing list will be notified by mail as to the date that the seedlings can be shipped or picked up. This date cannot be guaranteed, however, due to weather conditions that may delay the tree harvest. Delivery dates usually run from late December to the end of April.

These seedlings should be stored at 38 degrees until planted.

Order forms can be requested by calling (580) 288-2385 or (800) 517-3673; or by contacting your area Oklahoma Department of Agriculture Forestry Division Forester or a Noble Foundation Horticulturist.

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