The Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation, Inc.    
Permanent Raised Bed Gardening

Construction and Advanced Cultural Technology for Home, Community and Market Gardens

Steve Upson
Steve Upson, horticulturist, The Noble Foundation

"But he who is noble devises noble things, and by noble things he stands."

– Isaiah 32:8

"Family" is the word that comes to mind when I describe both the people assisting with this publication and the environment in which it was developed.

I'm deeply grateful to all my Noble Foundation "brothers and sisters" who have made this publication possible. I want to give special thanks to Tommy Smith, Felix Peña, Steve Howe, David Miller and Dusty Pittman. Without their contributions, there would be no Noble Foundation Horticulture Center. Also, special thanks goes to the NF Publications and Visual Media Department and fellow Agricultural Division staff for editorial work, design and printing.

Most of all, I thank the patriarch of our "family," Lloyd Noble, founder of The Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation and visionary extraordinaire, without whom this work would not have been possible.

Steve Upson, Horticulturist

An Old Chinese Proverb:
If you wish to be happy for a few hours, drink wine until your head spins pleasantly;
If you wish to be happy for a few days, get married and hide away;
If you wish to be happy for a week, roast a pig and have a feast;
If you wish to be happy all your life, become a gardener.

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© 1997-2008 by The Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation, Inc.