The Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation, Inc.    
Revised Raised Bed Gardening Manual Now Online

Horticulture: July 2007
Other Horticulture Articles

by Steve Upson

The Noble Foundation's popular Permanent Raised Bed Gardening publication, first published in 1997, has undergone an extensive revision and is now accessible on the Noble Foundation Web site at Originally available as a two-volume set, the new version combines updated information from both volumes and introduces brand new material.

Raised bed construction
A corrugated sheet metal raised bed under construction. See the revised version of Permanent Raised Bed Gardening for details.

Due to the ever-changing nature of the subject matter, including source information for gardening materials and educational materials, we decided early in the revision process to offer the publication in an electronic format. The electronic format can be updated on a timelier basis and is less expensive to produce. The publication is also available in a "printer friendly" PDF version for anyone needing a hard copy for personal or classroom use.

The revised version contains several new sections including plans for constructing corrugated sheet metal raised beds and mini tunnels for season extension. Of all the different high-profile bed designs we've evaluated at the Noble Foundation, the corrugated sheet metal design is the easiest and quickest to construct. Mini tunnels are ideal for gardeners wanting to utilize their raised beds throughout the year, but without the space or funds to construct a hoop house.

Expanded chapters on the application and use of plastic mulches and the selection and use of fertilizer injectors are also included in the revised version.

The appendix has been updated to include an expanded list of equipment and material merchandisers, complete with phone numbers and e-mail addresses.

I hope you find our new and improved raised bed gardening publication useful. The techniques and procedures contained therein have been developed and refined at the Foundation horticulture research and demonstration center and are based on years of experience.

Check out Permanent Raised Bed Gardening, and be sure to tell a friend.

© 1997-2008 by The Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation, Inc.