The Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation, Inc.    
Fall-Winter Forage Performance Update of Small Grains in Noble Foundation Tests, 1996-97

In south-central Oklahoma, it has been a relatively mild winter and growth of small grains has generally been adequate to very good. Small grain varieties and strains planted October 7, 1996 on the Headquarters Farm, have been clipped twice thus far for forage yields, on December 11 and February 18. The average dry forage yield from the two clippings for the 62 entries was 1255 pounds/acre. Only 24% or 300 pounds was harvested on the December clipping. Mean yields for each of the crops are as follows: rye (18 entries) - 1474; triticale (12 entries) - 1396; wheat (22 entries) - 1330; and oats (10 entries) - 820 pounds/acre.

Forage produced by the top 5 yielders of each crop are:
Rye (1) NF56 - 1767 (2) Bates - 1617 (3) Oklon - 1612 (4) NF51-1610 (5) NF94-1594
Triticale (1) NF87 - 1900 (2) NF57 - 1891 (3) NF21 - 1870 (4) NF11 - 1705 (5) Presto - 1556
Wheat (1) Florida 302 - 2057 (2) Coronado - 1970 (3) Coker 9803 - 1803 (4) Pioneer 2548 - 1794 (5) NF165 - 1722
Oats (1) Okay - 1032 (2) NF188 - 975 (3) Ozark - 889 (4) Harrison - 877 (5) 833 - 821

This test was originally planted on September 14, but due to poor stand emergence caused by heavy rains, re-planting was delayed until October 7.

Small grains varieties and strains were planted at the Red River Demonstration and Research Farm near Burneyville on September 13 and October 3, 1996. The September-planted test includes 62 entries and the October-planted test includes 10 entries. The two tests include common entries so that we can make a comparison of planting dates. Both tests have been clipped twice for forage yields, on November 21 and February 4. The average dry forage yield from the two clippings was 2,056 pounds from the September planting and 2,985 pounds/acre from the October planting. The early planting did produce the most fall forage (November clipping) as yields averaged 1,158 and 905 pounds/acre for the early and late planted tests, respectively.

Total forage yield for each entry in the early test is as follows:

(1) Oklon rye 3093
(2) Maton rye 2950
(3) Bates rye 2640
(4) 2180 wheat 2531
(5) Coker 9134 wheat 2343
(6) NF 21 triticale 2278
(7) Trical 2700 triticale 2240
(8) Longhorn wheat 1808
(9) Harrison oat 983
(10) 833 oat 707

Yields of the late test are as follows:

(1) Bates 3872
(2) Oklon 3769
(3) Coker 9134 3311
(4) NF21 3203
(5) Maton 3117
(6) 2180 2921
(7) Longhorn 2866
(8) Trical 2700 2849
(9) Harrison 2598
(10) 833 1993

The September-planted test struggled to a stand because of heavy rainfall following planting. We also observed the presence of heavy leaf rust on many of the wheat varieties and some triticales in the early planting. A concern this spring is the amount of leaf rust that has successfully overwintered on green leaves.

© 1997-2008 by The Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation, Inc.