NISP_Data Request


Data from the National Infant Sleep Position Study (NISP) developed by NICHD to examine sleep practices and factors associated with adherence to the back-to-sleep recommendations are being made available to researchers. From 1992 through 2008, the NISP study has conducted an annual telephone survey of nighttime caregivers of infants less than 8 months of age in 48 coterminous states to assess infant care practices and dissemination of the AAP recommendation regarding infant sleep position and related care practices. 

In some years in addition to the approximately 1000 individuals participating in the national survey, there was oversampling of:

  • Households where the mother of the infant had less than a high school education.
  • Areas by geographical region of the US.


Funded by NICHD grant# 2U10HD2906709A1.
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Last updated: October 16, 2008.