
What's New


Staff & Administration




Colorado Flora


Using the Herbarium

Preparing Specimens

Friends of the Herbarium



Staff and Administration

The herbarium is administered through the Department of Biology at Colorado State University. The Collections Manager, Jennifer Ackerfield, works year around (20 hours a week) and performs collection management activities such as mounting specimens, database administration, writing the newsletter, and distribution mapping. 

The collection, preparation, and repair of specimens are supported primarily through the Department of Biology, external funding, the membership proceeds of The Friends of the CSU Herbarium, and cooperative agreements or programs with agencies and other herbaria external to CSU. Additional acquisitions through donation of specimens, especially from poorly known regions of Colorado, are welcome and greatly appreciated. 

For information on research currently being conducted by staff at the Herbarium, please visit our new research page.  

Dr. Mark Simmons, Curator
Department of Biology
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, CO
(970) 491-2154

Jennifer Ackerfield, Collections Manager
Department of Biology
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, CO 80523
(970) 491-0496


If you are interested in volunteering or interning at the herbarium, please call us at (970) 491-0496 or e-mail Jennifer Ackerfield, the Collections Manager for the herbarium. Interns and volunteers learn a variety of collection management activities such as plant identification, specimen mounting and filing, database management, shipping and receiving, and label making. In addition, special projects on a particular aspect of Colorado flora are encouraged.