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Intro Map
Figure 1. Intro Map

Private Well Locations
Figure 2. Private Well Locations

Soil Gas Well Locations
Figure 3. Soil Gas Well Locations

APPENDIX B: Quality Assurance and ATSDR Methodology

Quality Assurance

In preparing this report, ATSDR relied on the information provided in the referenced documents and by contacts with the Texas Natural Resources Conservation Commission, Texas Department of Health, San Antonio Metropolitan Health District, Environmental Protection Agency, United States Geological Survey, community members, and Kelly Air Force Base. ATSDR assumes that adequate quality assurance and control measures were taken during chain-of-custody, laboratory procedures, and data reporting. The validity of the analyses and conclusions drawn in this document are determined by the availability and reliability of the information.

Human Exposure Pathway Evaluation and the use of Comparison Values

ATSDR assesses a site by evaluating the level of exposure in potential or completed exposure pathways. An exposure pathway is the way chemicals may enter a person's body to cause a health effect. It includes all the steps between the release of a chemical and the population exposed: (1) a chemical release source, (2) chemical movement, (3) a place where people can come into contact with the chemical, (4) a route of human exposure, and (5) a population that could be exposed. In this assessment, ATSDR evaluates chemicals in the soil, air, and groundwater that people living in nearby residences may consume or come into contact with.

Data evaluators use comparison values (CVs), which are screening tools used to evaluate environmental data that is relevant to the exposure pathways. Comparison values are concentrations of contaminants that are considered to be safe levels of exposure. Comparison values used in this document include EPA's Region III risk-based concentration. Comparison values are derived from available health guidelines, such as ATSDR's minimal risk levels and EPA's cancer slope factor.

The derivation of a comparison value uses conservative exposure assumptions, resulting in values that are much lower than exposure concentrations observed to cause adverse health effects; thus, insuring the comparison values are protective of public health in essentially all exposure situations. That is, if the concentrations in the exposure medium are less than the CV, the exposures are not of health concern and no further analysis of the pathway is required. However, while concentrations below the comparison value are not expected to lead to any observable health effect, it should not be inferred that a concentration greater than the comparison value will necessarily lead to adverse effects. Depending on site-specific environmental exposure factors (for example, duration of exposure) and activities of people that result in exposure (time spent in area of contamination), exposure to levels above the comparison value may or may not lead to a health effect. Therefore, ATSDR's comparison values are not used to predict the occurrence of adverse health effects.

The comparison values used in this evaluation are defined as follows: The CREG is a concentration at which excess cancer risk is not likely to exceed one case of cancer in a million persons exposed over a lifetime. The CREG is a very conservative CV that is used to estimate cancer risk. Exposure to a concentration equal to or less than the CREG is defined as an insignificant risk and is an acceptable level of exposure over a lifetime. The risk from exposure is not considered as a significant risk unless the exposure concentration is approximately 10 times the CREG and exposure occurs over several years. The EMEG is a concentration at which daily exposure for a lifetime is unlikely to result in adverse noncancerous effects.

Selecting Contaminants of Concern

Contaminants of concern (COCs) are the site-specific chemical substances that the health assessor selects for further evaluation of potential health effects. Identifying contaminants of concern is a process that requires the assessor to examine contaminant concentrations at the site, the quality of environmental sampling data, and the potential for human exposure. A thorough review of each of these issues is required to accurately select COCs in the site-specific human exposure pathway. The following text describes the selection process.

In the first step of the COC selection process, the maximum contaminant concentrations are compared directly to health comparison values. ATSDR considers site-specific exposure factors to ensure selection of appropriate health comparison values. If the maximum concentration reported for a chemical was less than the health comparison value, ATSDR concluded that exposure to that chemical was not of public health concern; therefore, no further data review was required for that chemical. However, if the maximum concentration was greater than the health comparison value, the chemical was selected for additional data review. In addition, any chemicals detected that did not have relevant health comparison values were also selected for additional data review.

Comparison values have not been developed for some contaminants, and, based on new scientific information other comparison values may be determined to be inappropriate for the specific type of exposure. In those cases, the contaminants are included as contaminants of concern if current scientific information indicates exposure to those contaminants may be of public health concern.

The next step of the process requires a more in-depth review of data for each of the contaminants selected. Factors used in the selection of the COCs included the number of samples with detections above the minimum detection limit, the number of samples with detections above an acute or chronic health comparison value, and the potential for exposure at the monitoring location.

APPENDIX C: Estimated Exposure Dose and Cancer Risk for On-site Soil

Benzo(a)pyrene: 7.30E+00 risk per mg/kg/day
Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene: 7.30E+00 risk per mg/kg/day
Benzo(a)anthracene: 7.30E-01 risk per mg/kg/day
Benzo(b)fluoranthene: 7.30E-01 risk per mg/kg/day

The results are presented in Table 2.

APPENDIX D: Soil Gas and Estimated Risk

Table 3. East Kelly Soil Gas Sampling Results Compared to RBCs and Estimated Indoor Air Cancer Risk
Chemical Maximum Soil Gas Concentration µg/m3 RBC µg/m3 Maximum Estimated Indoor Air Concentration1 µg/m3 J&E Estimated Cancer Risk2 ATSDR Estimated Cancer Risk3
1,1,2-Trichloro-1,1,2-trifluoroethane 275 31,000      
cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 344 37 0.0059 Not classifiable4 Not classifiable4
1,1,1-Trichloroethane 9.3 1000      
1,1-Dichloroethane 20.6 520      
Benzene 7.3 0.22 0.00013 4.9E-10 1.08E-08
Ethylbenzene 10.4 1000      
Methylene Chloride 286 3.8 0.0054 1.9E-8 2.54E-08
Tetrachloroethene (PCE) 14,230 3.1 0.23 5.8E-8 1.34E-06
Toluene 165 420      
Trichloroethene (TCE) 618 1 0.011 7.9E-9 1.89E-07
Xylenes 29.9 310      
1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 179 210      
Hexachlorobutadiene 265 0.081 0.0037 3.5E-8 8.17E-07
Styrene 8.1 1000      
Vinyl Chloride ND        
1 Indoor air concentrations were derived using EPA's Johnson & Ettinger model for subsurface vapor intrusion into buildings
2,3Cancer risks were derived using both EPA's Johnson & Ettinger model and ATSDR's Public Health Assessment Guidance Manual for chemicals detected above RBC
4 Not classifiable as to human carcinogenicity based on no data on humans or animals
ppbv = parts per billion volume
g/m3 = micrograms per cubic meter
RBC = 1997 Risk-based concentration
ND = Not detected
Shading indicates 1997 RBC ambient air comparison value exceedence

Estimated Exposure Dose and Cancer Risk from Soil Gas to Indoor Air

Johnson and Ettinger Model Assumptions

ATSDR Exposure and Cancer Risk Assumptions

The carcinogenic potency slope inhalation taken from 1997 RBC Tables are as follows:

Benzene: 2.90E-02 risk per mg/kg/day
Methylene Chloride: 1.64E-03 risk per mg/kg/day
Tetrachloroethene (PCE): 2.03E-03 risk per mg/kg/day
Trichloroethene (TCE): 6.00E-03 risk per mg/kg/day
Hexachlorobutadiene: 7.70E-02 risk per mg/kg/day
  1. US Environmental Protection Agency. 1997. User's Guide for the Johnson and Ettinger (1991) Model for Subsurface Vapor Intrusion into Buildings. Washington, DC.

  2. ATSDR. 1993. Public Health Guidance Manual. Lewis Publishers, Boca Raton, FL.

APPENDIX E: Exposure Pathway Table

Pathway Name Source Medium Route of Exposure Exposure Elements

Exposure Activities Chemicals of Concern
Point of Exposure Receptor Population Time
Off-site Soil Gas Contaminated Shallow Groundwater Soil Gas Inhalation Off-site Residents p, c, f Indoor Activities VOCs
Key: p = past; c = current; f = future;

1. US Environmental Protection Agency. 1986. Guidelines for Carcenogenic Substances. FR 51:3392-34006.

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