The New York Botanical Garden International Plant Science Center
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The C. V. Starr
Virtual Herbarium

Collectors Represented in the Herbarium
A Guide for the Use of The C. V. Starr Virtual Herbarium

Summary of Databasing Projects

Databasing Project


Records (as of 1 Jun 2005)

American Bryophyte Catalog

The New York Botanical Garden herbarium bryophyte type collections and non-type specimens of mosses, liverworts and hornworts from North America, Central America, The West Indies and Mexico. This project is complete for North America and the West Indies; work continues on specimens from Central America and Mexico. Ongoing


Costa Rican Fungi

Fungi collected in Costa Rican fungi, with an emphasis on Agaricales. Ongoing


Ericaceae of Ecuador

Catalog of herbarium specimens of the plant family Ericaceae of Ecuador in connection with James L. Luteyn's treatment of the family for the "Flora of Ecuador" series (vol. 54). Completed.

(130 images)

Ethnobotany and Floristics of Belize

Catalog of herbarium specimens of ethnobotanical interest in Belize. Completed.

(130 images)

Flora and Mycota of Acre, Brazil

Checklist of the flora based on collections made in Acre since Ernst Ule's pioneering expedition in 1901. Ongoing


Flora of Navassa Island

Catalog of the vascular plants of Navassa Island, a product of the Department of the Interior's Office of Insular Affairs' program to provide basic information about the island's geology, flora and fauna. Completed


Flora of The Caucasus Region

The New York Botanical Garden in collaboration with the Institute of Botany of the Georgian Academy of Sciences is working on a project to document the flora of the Republic of Georgia and strengthen the capacity for botanical science in this floristically important part of the world. Ongoing.


Fungi Type Specimens

Catalog of type specimens of fungi, with emphasis on macrofungi (Basidiomycetes with conspicuous fruiting bodies) Ongoing.


George E. Massee Type Collections

Fungal types described by George Massee as well as other types included in his herbarium.


Intermountain Flora

Catalog of selected vascular plant families from the Intermountain Region of western U.S. in connection with the Intermountain Flora project. Ongoing.


Invasive Plant Species of the United States

Catalog of specimens of invasive plant species of the United States, from lists prepared by the United States Department of Agriculture. Ongoing.

(1224 images)

Kansas State University Mycological Herbarium (KSC)

Fungal collections from the Kansas State University Herbarium which were donated to The New York Botanical Garden in March 1997. Ongoing



Specimens of the Brazil nut family, Lecythidaceae. Ongoing


Lichens of Eastern North America

Lichens from eastern North America, east of the Mississippi River. Ongoing


Neotropical Flora and Mycota

This catalog combines specimen data for all groups of plants and fungi for all countries of the neotropical region. The records in this catalog are duplicated in other catalogs. Ongoing


North American Gymnosperms

Catalog of gymnosperm specimens from North America north of Mexico. These records represent those specimens collected in Greenland, Canada, and the United States (excluding Hawaii), and include non-native species cultivated in North America. Completed.


Plant Diversity of Central French Guiana

Specimen database of flowering plant collections, part of a larger project designed to document the fungal and plant diversity of central French Guiana. Ongoing.


Roger D. Goos Mycological Mycological Herbarium (KIRI)

Fungal collections from the Roger D. Goos Herbarium which were donated to The New York Botanical Garden in March 1995. Completed.


Species of Eastern Brazil

Catalog of specimens of vascular plant species collected in Eastern Brazil and housed in The New York Botanical Garden Herbarium. Completed.

(2,609 images)

Solanum PBI

Catalog of specimens of the genus Solanum housed in The New York Botanical Garden Herbarium. Ongoing.


Tulane University Mycological Herbarium (NO)

Fungal collections from the Tulane University Herbarium which were donated to The New York Botanical Garden in March 1997. Completed.


Vascular Plant Types

The New York Botanical Garden herbarium catalog of vascular plant type specimens. Completed.

92,351 (approx. 90,000 images)

West Indian Orchids

Catalog of specimens of West Indian Orchidaceae. Completed.

(148 images)

West Indian Vascular Plant Types

Catalog of West Indian type specimens.Completed. This is a subset of the Vascular Plant Type Catalog.

(5,851 images)

Note that some catalogs represent subsets of other catalogs (e.g., the West Indian Vascular Plant Types -- a subset of the Vascular Plant Types) and there is an overlap of records between some catalogs (e.g., any type specimen records in the North American Gymnosperms catalog will also appear in the Vascular Plant Types catalog).

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