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  Get Involved

Girlscouts planting treesAs part of our mission, the Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay mobilizes citizens to learn about Bay issues and participate in resolving them. In other words, we provide opportunities for everyone to get involved in some way to help restore the Bay. Getting involved can mean helping a lot or a little. It can be something as simple as spending a Saturday canoeing a river and learning about its connection to the Chesapeake, or it can mean joining the ranks of a local watershed organization and becoming a leader in local restoration efforts.

Whatever your background, energy level, or time availability, consider the following ways to get involved and make a difference.

block Become a Member - Join the Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay
Join the Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay, a partnership of citizens, organizations, and businesses who believe in the Bay restoration and are doing something about it.

block Get Connected -- Join RestoreCorps
Join the ranks of a new and different volunteer network known as RestoreCorps.

block Attend an Event -- Volunteer for an Alliance Event

block Get Wet -- Paddle a River Sojourn
River Sojourns are multi-day paddling trips on selected river reaches for the purpose of building public awareness about rivers and their connection to the Chesapeake Bay. Paddlers in canoes and kayaks explore riverside communities, hear educational presentations, and take part in local public events that highlight a special activity such as a river restoration or water quality monitoring event.

block Go Native -- Make Your Landscape a Bayscape
Bayscapes are environmentally sound landscapes benefiting people, wildlife, and the Chesapeake Bay.

block Do Your Part - Simple Ways to Help the Bay
More than 15 million people live in the 64,000 square mile Chesapeake Bay watershed. Each one lives only a few minutes from one of the 100,000 streams and rivers that feed the Bay. Each time a citizen turns on a light, washes the dishes, drives a car, takes out the trash, fertilizes the lawn, changes the oil or walks a dog, a chain of events occurs that can affect local waterways and the Bay.

block Encourage local Businesses to Join B4B - About Businesses for the Bay
Would you like to save money, reduce waste, and be recognized for protecting the Chesapeake Bay? Ask your business to consider joining Businesses for the Bay. This program provides free pollution prevention assistance, cost savings, mentoring, public recognition, and networking.

Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay - Comments or Questions:
Contact any of our offices: MD: 410-377-6270 / PA: 717-737-8622 / VA: 804-775-0951