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Safe Produce Handling Education Campaign Print

Seis Pasos para Frutasy Verduras Mas Seguras

To facilitate safe produce handling education efforts, the Partnership has enhanced the existing Fight BAC!® program offerings with new produce handling educational materials and community outreach ideas. They can be customized and include templates for generating local publicity, education tools, a slide presentation, flyers, brochures and more!

Use of these materials by the industry, media, public health officials, educators, and health and nutrition professionals is key to continuing to help Americans understand what they can do to reduce their risk of foodborne illness from fresh fruits and vegetables.  

Safe Produce Handling Brochure B&W
Black and white, printer friendly, PDF file of a brochure that outlines the six steps to safer fruits and vegetables.

Safe Produce Handling Brochure - 4 Color
Four color, printer friendly, PDF file of a brochure that outlines the six steps to safer fruits and vegetables.

Produce Flyer
Four color, 2 page, 8.5 X 11, printer friendly, PDF document that outlines the six steps to safer fruits and vegetables.

Spanish Language Produce Materials
Language Produce Materials En Español

Clean Message Produce Graphic
High resolution file of the clean graphic.

Multi-Message Produce Graphic
High resolution file of the multi-message produce graphic, as pictured above.

PowerPoint for Educators

PowerPoint for Consumers

Activity Idea Generator for Food Safety Advocates
One page fact sheet that outlines activities for food safety advocators to organize or participate in to promote safe produce handling messages.

Activity Idea Generator for Retailers
One page fact sheet that outlines activities for retailers to organize or participate in to promote safe produce handling messages.

Activity Idea Generator for Produce Leaders
One page fact sheet that outlines activities for produce leaders to organize or participate in to promote safe produce handling messages.

Press Release Announcing Safe Produce Handling Campaign
Press release document announcing the Partnership's National Produce Handling Education Campaign.

Press Release Template
Press release that can be customized and distributed to media announcing a company's or organization's support of the National Produce Handling Education Campaign

Press Release Tips
One page fact sheet of tips on how to draft and distribute a press release.

Animated Produce Graphic
Downloadable file of the animated multi-message produce graphic, as pictured above. The file is stored as a Macromedia Flash .swf and is suitable for Web usage., the website of the Partnership for Food Safety Education (PFSE), is your resource for Fight BAC! food safety and safe food handling campaign information.

The Partnership for Food Safety Education unites representatives from industry associations, professional societies in food science, nutrition and health consumer groups, the United States Department of Agriculture, the Environmental Protection Agency, the Department of Health and Human Services, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the Food and Drug Administration in an important initiative to educate the public about safe food handling practices needed to keep food safe from bacteria and prevent foodborne illness.


Food is safe once it's cooked, no matter how long you leave it out.

 Canned Food Alliance