USDA Should Adopt Changes to Genetic Engineering Regulations That Protect Our Food

UCS Comments to USDA on Proposed Changes to Biotechnology Regulations

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) allows drug and biotechnology companies to engineer corn and other food crops into pharmaceutical and industrial chemical "factories." The developers of these crops hope to reduce the cost of producing drugs and industrial chemicals. However, UCS analysis and independent experts agree that if food crops such as corn and soybeans are used for this purpose, they are very likely to contaminate the food supply with untested drugs and chemicals and pose serious human health and environmental risks for years to come.

The USDA is now considering changes to its regulation of genetically engineered (GE) crops, including so-called pharma/industrial crops. The food industry, farming and public health organizations, and many others have joined UCS in calling for a ban on the outdoor production of pharma/industrial food crops.

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