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Speeches About Diversity

Blacks In Government (BIG) National Training Conference 2007
Federal Senior Executive Service "The Formula for Success" (PDF 190k)
Presented by: Lawrence N. Self, Director OEODM.

Books About Diversity

Allport, Gordon W. The Nature of Prejudice. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1954, 1979. Classic work examining all aspects of prejudice and discrimination, providing a foundation for trainers, consultants, and anyone dealing with issues of prejudice and stereotyping.

Campbell, Bebe M. Brothers and Sisters. Fiction. Berkley Pub Group, New York, 1995; ISBN: 0425149404. Explores workplace diversity issues such as sexual harassment, welfare-to-work programs, affirmative action, and gender relationships.

Carnevale, Anthony Patrick, and S. Kanu Kogod. Tools and Activities for a Diverse Work Force. McGraw-Hill, Inc. NY, New York, 1996. A compendium of strategies, resources, assessment tools, awareness activities, skills development, and organizational strategies for managing diversity.

Coleman Management Consultants, Inc. Empowering Yourself: The Organizational Game Revealed, (ISBN-0-7872). 1993. To purchase, call Kendell Hunt (1.800.228.0810)

Fernandez, John P. Managing a Diverse Workforce: Regaining the Competitive Edge. Lexington, MA: Lexington Books, 1991. Based on a survey of over 50,000 managers and employees, this book highlights the problems and special concerns faced by various identity groups, including White males, and offers steps both individuals and organizations can take to meet these challenges.

Jackson, Susan. Diversity in the Workplace: Human Resources Initiatives. New York: The Guilford Press, 1992. Contributions by many of the best diversity professionals give a "big picture" look at diversity issues and strategies for organizations.

Loden, Marilyn, and Judy B. Rosener, Ph.D. Workforce America! Managing Employee Diversity as a Vital Resource. Homewood, IL: Business One Irwin, 1991. Principal piece in the Diversity literature about how to create organizations that capitalize on the richness in differences.

Thiederman, Sondra, Ph.D. Bridging Cultural Barriers for Corporate Success: How to Manage the Multicultural Work Force. Lexington, MA: Lexington Books, 1990. Practical information about all aspects of managing the multicultural work force. Helpful tips and "how-to's" on cross-cultural communication despite accent and language barriers.

Thomas, R. Roosevelt. Redefining Diversity. New York: AMACOM, 1996. Complete with candid, provocative suggestions for "talking the talk," "thinking the talk," and "walking the talk." Redefining Diversity will help you tap a fountain of strength that exists all around you. It will prepare your organization to face the future with renewed vitality.

Thomas, R. Roosevelt. Beyond Race and Gender: Unleashing the Power of Your Total Work Force by Managing Diversity. New York: AMACOM, 1991. Looks at the new paradigm of managing diversity and an organizational development model for applying the concepts. Gives practical examples from several organizations and includes a chapter on quality and diversity.