
Hagel to salute Biden at dinner

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By the Lincoln Journal Star

Thursday, Jan 15, 2009 - 12:40:59 pm CST

Former Republican Sen. Chuck Hagel has been chosen to introduce Vice President-elect Joe Biden at a bipartisan dinner in Washington on the eve of the presidential inauguration.

Biden was one of Hagel’s closest friends in the Senate. The Delaware Democrat will take the oath on Tuesday along with President-elect Barack Obama.

Hagel, who did not seek re-election to the Senate after two terms, will do the honors at a dinner at Union Station on Monday night.

Story Photo
Chuck Hagel

Bipartisan dinners also will be held that night honoring 2008 Republican presidential nominee John McCain and former Secretary of State Colin Powell.

Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina will introduce McCain at a dinner at the Washington Hilton.

Former Republican Sen. John Warner of Virginia will introduce Powell at a dinner at the National Building Museum.

Hagel was succeeded in the Senate this month by Republican Sen. Mike Johanns.

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Boomer wrote on January 15, 2009 12:29 pm:
" I hope Hagel introduces Biden as the cheapest person around....The guy expects others to give but not himself...This guy is cheap!

Sen. Joseph Biden, the Democratic candidate for vice president, released his tax returns for the years 1998 to 2007. The returns revealed that in one year, 1999, Biden and his wife Jill gave $120 to charity out of an adjusted gross income of $210,979. In 2005, out of an adjusted gross income of $321,379, the Bidens gave $380. In nine out of the ten years for which tax returns were released, the Bidens gave less than $400 to charity; in the tenth year, 2007, when Biden was running for president, they gave $995 out of an adjusted gross income of $319,853. "

sue wrote on January 15, 2009 12:32 pm:
" It will be a loss to not have Hagel in the Senate. "

Little wrote on January 15, 2009 12:58 pm:
" It says you'll reap what you sow. Sow little, reap little. Joey did that as Boomer points out and got Hagel. "

Central Nebraska wrote on January 15, 2009 1:08 pm:
" What more can be said about Hagel? This Biden story only confirms that Hagel is an arrogant elitist who never really gave a damn about the Nebraskans who were fooled into voting him into office. I am one of them and I am embarrassed! "

-chet wrote on January 15, 2009 1:15 pm:
" I'm sure everyone in Washington at that dinner thinks that Chuck is your a-typical red country conservative.

Joe will chock it up as billed, "strong bipartisan support, example of reaching accross the aisle to get business done" "

John wrote on January 15, 2009 1:23 pm:
" Hagel continues to be a sad representitive of Nebraska. Thank God he is gone. "

Kevin wrote on January 15, 2009 1:31 pm:
" A question on the Biden tax returns (as far as charitable giving) ... is it possible the vice-president-elect donated thousands of dollars to charity and didn't boast about it on his tax returns? "

Randy wrote on January 15, 2009 1:37 pm:
" Hagel is really trying to suck up to Obama and Biden to get any job in the new disaster that is beginning in Washington. Maybe Hagel can be the official lap dog of Biden. "

MarkyMark wrote on January 15, 2009 1:46 pm:
" Hagel is someone that can be an American first and put the partisan crap on the back burner. He will be missed. "

Wow Boomer wrote on January 15, 2009 1:53 pm:
" Nevermind the things that Biden has done for education and the rights of women. Call him out on still probably giving more out than most people do. "

John wrote on January 15, 2009 1:57 pm:
" What was Nebraska thinking when we elected Hagel "

Mike McDermott wrote on January 15, 2009 2:45 pm:
" I would hope that if the Obama administration had a position, and Senator Hagel was offered it, he would accept. I didn't agree with Senator Hagel on most issues, but when it involved the innocent lives of foreign people, the lives of our military, and our country's defense, Senator Hagel bucked members of both parties, and relied on principle. His voice and perception are sorely needed. "

Taxing wrote on January 15, 2009 3:05 pm:
" Addressing Kevins question...No, its not possible that biden donated more money and didn't write it off, or as you say 'boasting'. You see, democrats, like obama's nominee for treasury secretary tend to not report income, or as we call it tax evasion. They're happy to spend our money, but not their own. "

Bipartisan wrote on January 15, 2009 3:24 pm:
" Hagel has never been about bipartisan, but rather what can he do for himself to stay employed with whatever political party is in power. He'll soon anounce that he really is a Democrat. Then in three years he'll switch back to Republican again if things go sour for the Democrats. It is "Bi-Hagel" not bipartisan. "

Chris wrote on January 15, 2009 3:39 pm:
" It makes sense now where Sen. Hagel got his lack of tact from. Nebraska is better without him representing himself and not the state. "

what a joke wrote on January 15, 2009 3:59 pm:
" Hagel has been quite a joke. That guy posters for every camera he can. This joke was on Meet the Press dozens of times with another elitest jerk Biden. All those 2 guys care about is coctail parties given by the Washington elite establishment. Sorry, most politicans these days are nothing more than a reciptacle for legal or even illegal bribes. "

GA Husker wrote on January 15, 2009 7:58 pm:
" Hagel was a disgrace to Nebraska. He long lost his conservative views. It will be a good day in Nebraska when he fades into the sunset. "

Whats wrong with Chuck wrote on January 15, 2009 8:40 pm:
" Why do so many Nebraskans hate Chuck so much? I know not everyone feels that way, but can the Hagel-haters please point to one reason why they don't like him (other than that he is not as big of a tool as most Nebraska Republicans)? CTH is a great American. He did a lot more for this country (Bronze Star in Vietnam) than most of the toads posting on here. Seriously, someone list a REAL reason - something he did, not just what Rush Limbaugh told you - why you don't like Hagel. "

Guess Liliibet wrote on January 15, 2009 9:48 pm:
" doesn't mind breathing the same air as the Biden crowd re: her remark last Fall that she and Chuck don't breathe the same air as Cheney and Rove and cancelled social engagements if they knew those two would be there. True colors really come out. Hagel must still be banking on a job with the new Administration. "