The Consortium of California Herbaria is a gateway to information from California vascular plant specimens that are housed in herbaria throughout the state.
 Please cite data retrieved from this page: Data provided by the participants of the Consortium of California Herbaria (
Scientific Name

e.g.: Platanaceae; Dudl; Dudleya bloch; blochmaniae;
Dudleya blochmaniae insul; Quercus X alvordiana

Geographic Locality e.g.: Round Meadow; Forester

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(1 or more; default is all counties) 
Geographic Region

(Regions defined by bounding-box)

Source (1 or more; default is all sources)

Collector (last name only; e.g.: Muir; Moref)

Collection Number (numerical part only)

Collection Date(s)
Month Day Year Before After

CNPS Inventory (return only names in California Native Plant Society Inventory)
Noxious weeds / invasives (return only records of CAL-IPC or CDFA covered weeds)
Non-natives (return only records of naturalized species)
Specimens with coordinates (return only records that can be mapped)
Name list (return only one record for each taxon)
     2000 records is default maximum: Contact us for larger searches.          
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Accession Number (e.g., JEPS1234; SJSU1234, etc. Wildcards not recognized)
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  Use this page to search for specimen records. Any combination of fields may be searched. The links with the fields provide examples. If you select "Search using latitude and longitude" you will go to a separate geographic search page. If you select "Name list", a list of names that satisfy the search criteria will be returned; one record for each name will be included. If you want to search using common names, go to the Jepson Interchange. The possibility of making comments or viewing comments is provided on each return page.  
  Copyright © 2008 Regents of the University of California — Updated July, 2008