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he mission
of the Department of Botany is to discover, maintain, and transmit knowledge concerning basic plant biology and provide leadership in the biological sciences.

Birge Hall
430 Lincoln Dr.
Madison, WI 53706
(608) 262-1057
FAX (608) 262-7509


David Baum
(608) 262-9991




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What's New:

Herbarium Modernization - Plant specimens get new life.

Hawaiian Lobeliads - Tantalizing evolution on the archipelago

New Undergraduate Major - A new Botany Undergraduate Major with different requirements goes into effect at the beginning of the Fall semester, 2007 ... (continued)

New Book - Prairie Plants of the UW-Madison Arboretum

Gift Giving - opportunities to support the Department of Botany, including becoming a Friend of the Botany Garden

Botany Garden blossoming with new expansion - The Botany Garden, a green and fragrant oasis in a sea of buildings and traffic, has recently become a larger, more welcoming sanctuary as an expansion is well underway...

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