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Mark your calendar to attend one of our Regional Conferences!

Midwest Land Conservation Conference
Madison, WI | March 12 - 14


Southeast Land Trust Conference
Auburn, AL | March 25 -26


Northeast Land Trust Conference
West Point, NY | April 29 - 30

Conference Details
Did You Know?

Judy Anderson and Brenda Lind are online each week to answer your conservation questions!

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Learning and Training to Advance Conservation

Got a lot to learn about land conservation? Don't go it alone!

As part of our commitment to help land trusts grow stronger, the Land Trust Alliance provides conservation professionals with opportunities to advance their vital work through unique learning and networking programs in communities all across the country.

Our variety of educational programs and tools help land trust staff work more efficiently, save land more effectively and ensure their work will last. As a land trust staff or volunteer we encourage you to take advantage of our learning programs.




Learning Opportunities:

 Tools For Learning:

  • Assessing Your Organization - a valuable device for highlighting areas for improvement so you can more effectively target your land trust's resources and efforts. 

  • The Learning Center - the online resource for land trust training when you want to study at your own pace;  it also offers forums for questions and discussion as well as a digital library packed with vital reference material.

  • Workshops On The Web - these Alliance workshops are individual 90-minute presentations using webinar software. They cover the latest topics in land conservation, such as Climate Change, Strategic Conservation, and more.

  • Curriculum Topics In-depth - these courses cover key topics from the curriculum with an instructor, and run for four consecutive weeks.  They feature weekly presentations of 30-60 minutes using webinar software with a conference call connection, and are followed-up with online discussion between meetings. Participants complete the course with a tailored product they can use at their land trust.

Document Actions

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01-28-2009 SGS 101: Smart Growth Basics

January 28-30, 2009 | San Francisco, CA

Learn more »

03-07-2009 13th Annual New Jersey Land Conservation Rally

March 7, 2009 | New Brunswick, NJ

Learn more »

Events Calendar »
Learning Resources
  1. Free demonstration on navigating The Learning Center - e-mail us

  2. Connect members near and far with private, online document sharing and chats - e-mail us

  3. Evaluate your programs with Assessing Your Organization

Visit The Learning Center >>

1660 L St. NW, Suite 1100, Washington, DC 20036 info@lta.org © Copyright 2008 Land Trust Alliance

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