Atomz Site Search: The premier free search tool for your website

Add site search to your site in minutes.

  • Create an account.
  • Crawl your site.
  • Add search box to your site.

There is none. Atomz really is free.
We support ourselves through
text-based advertisements.

Atomz Search is a hosted application and is delivered completely over the Internet.

How do we do it for free? By creating a professional site search solution delivered as a hosted service and supporting our costs through text-based advertisements.

It's that simple.

Just some of the features that Atomz provides for free:

  • Customizable Look and Feel

    Use our best-practices search results template, modify it to match the look and feel of your web site, or design a custom template all your own with our easy-to-use template language.
  • Powerful Indexing Options

    Customize your site search index containing up to 10,000 web pages or .PDF documents in over 30 languages.