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North American
Lake Management Society

PO Box 5443
Madison, WI 53705-0443
Phone (608) 233-2836
Fax (608) 233-3186

LakeLine Magazine

The magazine of the North American Lake Management Society

NALMS' flagship publication, LakeLine, is published quarterly and is sent to members throughout the world. The articles in LakeLine encourage a lively exchange of ideas among members, report on what lake associations and NALMS chapters are doing, and provides news and commentary. As part of membership services, all NALMS members receive LakeLine magazine.

Those interested in submitting comments or articles should check out our submission information.

Volume 27 (2007)

Issue #1: Data Analysis
(Spring, 2007)

Issue #2: Nutrient Management
(Summer, 2007)

Issue #3: Aquatic Nuisance Species
(Fall, 2007)

Volume 26 (2006)

Issue #1: National Lake Assessment
(Spring, 2006)

Issue #2: Toxic Algae
(Summer, 2006)

Issue #3: The Great Lakes
(Fall, 2006)

Issue #4: Dredging
(Winter, 2006)

Volume 25 (2005)

Issue #1: Stormwater Management

Issue #2: Shoreline Revegetation

Issue #3: Alum Treatment

Issue #4: Madison Lakes

Volume 24 (2004)

Issue #1: Lake Assessment

Issue #2: Recreation - Part 1

Issue #3: Recreation - Part 2

Issue #4: Australia's Lakes

Volume 23 (2003)

Issue #1: Shallow Lakes

Issue #2: Beaches

Issue #3: Economic Values of Lakes

Issue #4: Canada's Lakes

Volume 22 (2002)

Issue #1: Exotic Species

Issue #2: Regulatory Approaches

Issue #3: Dam Safety

Issue #4: Mexico's Lakes

Volume 21 (2001)

Issue #1: Limnology: The Foundation of Lake Management

Issue #2: Living on the Lake

Issue #3: Fisheries Management

Issue #4: Reservoirs

Volume 20 (2000)

Issue #1: Aquatic Plant Management: Planning

Issue #2: Celebrating NALMS' First 20 Years

Issue #3: Innovative Technologies for Lake Management

Issue #4: Toxins in Lakes

Volume 19 (1999)

Issue #1: Planting Aquatic Plants

Issue #2: International Lakes in Crisis

Issue #3: Special Edition

Volume 18 (1998)

Issue #1: Aquatic Plant Harvesting

Issue #2: Clean Lakes Program

Issue #3: Volcanoes

Issue #4: Learning of Lakes

Volume 17 (1997)

Issue #1: Chemicals in Lakes

Issue #2: Citizen Involvement in Lakes Management

Issue #3: Of Bugs, Benthos, and Aquatic Invertebrates

Issue #4: Tales from Wild Lakes

Volume 16 (1996)

Issue #1: The World of Wildlife, Lakes

Issue #2: Endangered Species, Lakes, and Watersheds

Issue #3: On Wetlands Management

Issue #4: Legend of Lakes

Volume 15 (1995)

Issue #1: Reservoirs

Issue #2: Urban Lakes

Issue #3: Microscopic Life of Lakes

Issue #4: New Technologies for Investigating, Managing Lakes

Volume 14 (1994)

Issue #1: Drinking Water

Issue #2: Recreation

Issue #3: International Lake Management Issues

Issue #4: Restoring Aquatic Habitat

Volume 13 (1993)

Issue #1: Headwaters of Wood River, Oregon

Issue #2: Aquatic Pests: A Challenge for the Future

Issue #3: Volunteers Accept the Challenge... Future of our Water Quality at Stake

Issue #4: Fisheries - Working to Improve our Resources

Welcoming Your Input

NALMS welcomes the input of its members. Send your comments or article submissions to:

Bill Jones, Editor
LakeLine Magazine
Indiana University SPEA
1315 E. 10th St.
Bloomington, IN 47405-4556
812-855-7802 (fax)

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