
Fleetwood Mac sets Qwest Center concert

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By the Lincoln Journal Star

Thursday, Jan 15, 2009 - 06:06:02 pm CST

Fleetwood Mac’s Greatest Hits “Unleashed” tour will stop in Omaha.

Tickets go on sale Jan. 26 for the May 7 concert at the Qwest Center. Reserved seat tickets are $149.50, $79.50 and $49.50 and may be subject to service charges. They will be available at the Qwest Center box office,, Ticketmaster outlets or charge by phone at 475-1212.

Story Photo
Stevie Nicks of Fleetwood Mac performs on the NBC "Today" show in this 2007 file photo. Fleetwood Mac will perform May 7 at the Qwest Center in Omaha. (File photo)

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foxspit wrote on January 15, 2009 6:25 pm:
" I wonder if Lindsey Buckingham will stomp off stage like he did at the Rococo a few years back? "

Geeeeez wrote on January 15, 2009 7:33 pm:
" ......take yer 150.00 tickets and put'm where the sun don't shine. How in the heck can a concert ticket be this much in these dire times? You have got to be kidding me. Concessions on top of that for a couple? A date? Pretty expensive fun money.... "

david g wrote on January 15, 2009 8:09 pm:
" Just another reason to come to Omaha! The best concerts anywhere! And not at the Pershing or Devaney center. Pack it up Lincoln! "

NOT WORTH IT wrote on January 15, 2009 8:44 pm:
" Please, the cheap seats are $50?? Cram it. Anyone who pays these prices proves PT Barnum was right "there's a sucker born every minute", half of what comes out of the speakers is pre recorded. "

ricky wrote on January 15, 2009 10:21 pm:
" i saw fleetwood mac in arizona in the lste 70's.
They were at their peak then.
If you want to hear some more modern music come to the Slowdown or a bar in Benson.

Ricky From Omaha "