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The Conservation by Design Gateway is a ConserveOnline Workspace for the global conservation community to find and share guidance, tools and resources supporting Conservation by Design or the process of setting goals, developing strategies, implementation and measuring results for biodiversity conservation.

Guidance, tools and information for improving the practice of conservation

Conservation by Design helps conservation practitioners determine what to conserve, opportunities to conserve it, what strategies to use and how effective they have been. The Conservation by Design Gateway provides guidance, tools, resources and case studies that support the approach and methods within Conservation by Design. The Gateway offers opportunities to participate in discussion and submit content to enhance the resources.

These tools are available for all those who wish to effect conservation change in their countries or communities. National governments, state agencies and other non-profit conservation groups can use and adapt this conservation approach to plan for and carry out their own conservation projects, resulting in conservation on a large scale.
See list at right.

Conservation by Design:
An integrated and adaptive approach

Conservation by Design provides an integrated approach that establishes conservation goals, guides actions, and directs resources to gain the greatest conservation results. It is an iterative and adaptive approach that operates at multiple scales, from local to global, and has been successfully employed in a diversity of geographic and cultural settings.

The basic concepts of Conservation by Design are reflected in each of three key analytical methods, which include Major Habitat Assessment (see global science), Ecoregional Assessment and Conservation Action Planning. In general, Major Habitat and Ecoregional Assessments focus on setting goals and priorities, Conservation Action Planning focuses on developing and implementing strategies to address the priorities and achieve the goals, and all three methods incorporate aspects of measuring results. In addition to serving as the Conservancy’s strategic framework for mission success, Conservation by Design also supports the protected area management goals of the Convention on Biological Diversity.

This approach and the methods to implement it allow the practitioner community to share experience and learning across geographies and to improve our conservation practices over time. Visit for more information on Conservation by Design, or download the publication.

The Conservation by Design brochure is also available in Spanish, Portuguese and Chinese.

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         -Fire and Conservation
         -Marine Conservation

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What's New

Check out the Gateway Calendar for training opportunities on the CAP Workbook, Miradi and ConPro. (Dec 08)

ConPro is now available to the public. (Oct 08)

Watch an audio-visual presentation introducing the Gateway, ConPro and EAST (June 08) 

Log in to discuss issues in conservation with colleagues in our Discussion Board.  Try it today! (May 08)

Gateway content on Marine Conservation Planning and Strategies now availalble in one place. (April 08)

New Conservation Measures section. (April 08) 

Newly Released: Miradi Download software and find support (April 08) 

Conservation Networks Unit now online. (Sept 07)

Just released: Ecoregional Status Measures V 1.0 (Aug 07)

The CAP Handbook is now available for download in its entirety or by chapter in the CAP Toolbox (June 07)

New content on Fire and Conservation (May 07)

Join our Community!

The Nature Conservancy (TNC) is an international, nonprofit organization that preserves plants, animals and natural communities representing the diversity of life on Earth by protecting the lands and waters they need to survive. Using the methods and tools of Conservation by Design, the Conservancy and its more than one million members have been responsible for the protection of more than 47 million hectares in Latin America, North America, the Caribbean, Asia and the Pacific.

Visit us on the Web at for more information.

None selected.
Attribution + Noncommercial + NoDerivs
Conservation Action(s): None selected.
Direct Threat(s):
None selected.
Organization: None given.
None selected.
Other Search Terms(s):
Ecoregional Assessment; Conservation Action Planning; Regional Planning; Project Planning; Networks; Marine; Fire; Measures; Global Science
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