Pollinator Partnership Sponsored by the North American Pollinator Protection Campaign and The Coevolution Institute

Your Source for Pollination Information

Pollinator Week
June 22-28, 2009

The third annual National Pollinator Week will be held from June 22-28th. It's not too early to start thinking about an event at your school, garden, church, store, etc. Pollinators positively effect all our lives- let's SAVE them and CELEBRATE them!

Why Contact Your Governor

Many states require that one of their citizens request that events such as Pollinator Week be officially proclaimed. In 2008, 31 states officially declared Pollinator Week!

Please take a moment to sign and mail the letter below to your governor. Your effort is making Pollinator Week 2009 a great success!

How to Contact Your Governor

The following documents are available for download; a list containing governor contact information and a sample letter that can be easily customized

For more information contact pollinator@pollinator.org

Click here to learn more about National Pollinator Week 2008

Click here to learn more about National Pollinator Week 2007

Order a Pollinator Poster, "The Bounty of Bees" ($5.00 for s/h)
Order a Pollinator Garden Wheel ($5.00 for s/h)

Listen to PODCASTS from Pollinator Week 2008




The Pollinator Partnership - 423 Washington St, 5th Floor - San Francisco, CA 94111-2339 - (415) 362-1137