Research Projects at the Center for Lakes and Reservoirs

Chapter 352.068 of the Oregon Revised Statues charges the Center for Lakes and Reservoirs with two main tasks:

1) to research and mitigate nonindigenous, invasive aquatic species, and
2) to develop effective management of lakes and reservoirs.

We work closely with local, state, and federal agencies to accomplish these tasks.

A comprehensive approach to aquatic invasive species management in Oregon is detailed in the Oregon Aquatic Nuisance Species Management Plan [pdf], which was produced and is implemented by the CLR. To implement the Plan we work closely with several state and federal agencies. The US Fish and Wildlife Service provides base funding for Plan implementation.

The USFWS also supports projects focused on the Columbia River, survey and detection, and volunteer monitoring. We work with the Oregon Department of Agriculture on invasive freshwater and estuarine aquatic plants. We work with Oregon Department of Environmental Quality to implement the Oregon ballast water management program and coordinate the Oregon Ballast Water Task Force. Our outreach and education efforts are conducted in concert with the Oregon Invasive Species Council and the Oregon State Marine Board. We conduct research on limnology and develop management plans for specific invasive organisms and for lake water quality in collaboration with the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and US Forest Service.

Our collaboration with the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center in the Aquatic Bioinvasion Research and Policy Institute broadens our geographic and habitat-type work. In addition to our research capabilities in Oregon located at PSU, we have access to facilities at the Romberg Tiburon Center on San Francisco Bay and the SERC facilities on Chesapeake Bay.

Please see left side bar for current projects.