BOTANY - science from students' perspectives

Welcome to the BSA Student Profile pages. You thought high school was fun and exciting... wait until we'll tell you a bit about what it's like to be a university student in the plant sciences, the exciting things we're doing, the places we go and... well, about the trials, tribulations and just plain fun of doing science.

    Tatiana Arias
  University of Missouri - Columbia

I learned to love biology and the natural world as a small child. I used to visit my father once a year in Bahia Solano, Choco, Colombia. There we spent our vacations exploring the jungle, and I made my decision to become a biologist because I wanted to know more about the biodiversity of my country.


    Janelle Burke
  Cornell University, L. H. Bailey Hortorium

What I really wanted after high school was an internship at the Brookfield zoo. My initial interests were in the biology of cute, cuddly mammals. Instead a friend helped me find a job in the herbarium of the Morton Arboretum, where he was a volunteer.


    Laura Burkle
  Dartmouth College

I can’t remember a time when I wasn’t interested in plants. As a kid, the first thing I noticed about plants is that they sit still. My parents always kept house plants and rattled off long names, like Philodendron, that I never seemed to be able to remember.


    Mauricio Diazgranados
  Saint Louis University, Missouri Botanical Garden


    Jill Duarte
  Pennsylvania State University

I have to admit, when I first got interested in biological research in high school, I wasn’t interested in plants. I even took my botany exam as a drop grade. But as learned more about biology, and especially molecular evolution - I made a conscious decision to work with plants for the rest of my life, because there’s so much more complexity in their genomes than the typical animal, fungus, or bacterium.


    Uromi Goodale
  Yale University

In high school, before going on a field trip with my Botany teacher to the Sinharaja rain forest in Sri Lanka, we watched a movie about the research done there. I was mesmerized as a world I have never been to or seen before unfolded in front of me. Professor Savithri Gunatilleke was climbing a ladder to investigate the pollination biology of the Dipetrocarpaceae family.


    Nathan Jud
  University of Maryland College Park

My interest in science was greatly influenced by my father and grandfather. They both taught me from an early age the importance of conservation and the value of scientific inquiry through their interest in cave exploration and astronomy. Like so many kids, I was enamored with dinosaurs, fossils, and evolution. Whenever I was asked what I wanted to be when I grew up, I always answered “paleontologist.”


    Kyra Krakos
  Washington University, St Louis

The first scientific experiment I ever did was not a glowing success in my opinion. The main problem was that I was six years old and had difficulty with the concept of great amounts of time. After listening closely as my father read the geologic history of earth from my Child's First Encyclopedia, I set out with grim determination to make oil.


    Sarah Kyker
  Case Western Reserve University

As an undergraduate at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio, my major initially was Secondary Education with a concentration in earth and life sciences. My desire to be a science teacher was influenced by the many great teachers I had during junior high and high school. I especially remember the influence of my sixth grade and eighth grade science teachers who guided my interests in science fair projects.


    Cassie Majetic
  University of Pittsburgh

Unlike many botanists, my interest in plants, botany, and science came in a rather roundabout way. I was always fascinated with nature, but in a more active, playful way - some of my earliest memories are of fishing trips with my father and grandfather and camping trips with my mother and our Girl Scout troops over the years.


    Tracy Misiewicz
  Northwestern University and Chicago Botanic Garden

I distinctly remember developing a passion for scientific discovery when I was twelve years old. I looked forward to every Wednesday in Mr. Miller’s science class when we would perform a new experiment. At the completion of the course, my future had never been clearer. I was going to be a scientist, separating water into oxygen and hydrogen and testing different antacids in vinegar every day.


Olofron Plume, BSA Student Profiles

    Olofron Plume
  Cornell University

I was fascinated by the identification and use of medicinal plants from an early age.  I also loved writing and literature and ended up graduating with a B.A. in English Literature instead of Biology in 1997, but my passion for plants stayed with me, and, even while I pursued other work, I never stopped thinking of myself as a scientist.

Julia Nowak, BSA Student Profiles

    Julia Nowak
  University of British Columbia

Ever since I can remember, I was fascinated with the natural world.  I loved picking and drying flowers and leaves and observing how nature worked.  When we lived in Ukraine, my parents and I would often go mushroom picking.  These trips got me out to appreciate nature and learn about it, as well as about the mushrooms that we picked.


Roxanne Steele, BSA Student Profiles

    Roxanne Steele
  University of Texas - Austin

It is not every day that a mechanical engineer turns botanist, but it is with great enthusiasm that I am pursuing a Ph.D. in Plant Biology at The University of Texas at Austin. Because I love to both learn and teach, I transformed my interest in nature and science from a hobby into a life-long pursuit of gaining knowledge about the natural world and sharing it with others.

Cheng-Chiang Wu, BSA Student Profiles

    Cheng-Chiang Wu
  Harvard University

The blessed journey to Botany started when I was admitted to the Department of Botany at National Taiwan University (NTU), as certified Talented Students in Biology by the Ministry of Education, Republic of China. Since my study in college, the wonderful biodiversity in the subtropical island of Taiwan has never failed to amaze me.





» BSA January eNewsletter
» Purchase the 2009 Special Issue of the AJB
       Darwin Bicentennial: The Abominable Mystery

Call for Nominations
» BSA Offices 2009 - President Elect & Secretary

» BSA Merit Award
» BSA Young Botanist Awards
» Charles Edwin Bessey Teaching Award
» Darbaker Prize
» Grady L. Webster Publication Award


Call for Proposals
» BSA Graduate Student Research Awards
» Genetics Section GSRA

Student Travel Awards
» Vernon I Cheadle STA
» Triarch (Conant) "Botanical Images" STA
» Developmental & Structural Section STA
» Ecological Section STA
» Genetics Section STA
» Mycological Section STA
» Phycological Section STA
» Phytochemical Section STA
» Pteridological Section STA

» Why should you join the Society as a student?


» Abstract Submissions
» Conference Registration
» Housing Information
» CALL FOR WORKSHOPS - Due 2/15/09

  NEWS from the Plant Community

» Announcing a video contest!
      Chlorofilms - plant videos on YouTube

  BOTANY IN THE NEWS   Botany in the News RSS

» Legacy of botanist lives on at
      Boyce Thompson Arboretum
» Botany books plant ideas in cold times
» Poet opens spigots on cobtoethanol plant
» Berks native plant seed bank created
» Kahili ginger recalls royalty,
      but it is not a native
» Fungi collected by Darwin
      in new centre of mycology
» Asean adopts biodiversity indicators
      for preserving valuable resources
» Saving citrus...a cure may lurk in disease-resistant
      trees from China, and spinach
» UCR grad to open lab to study citrus pest
» Controversy Over Biomass Plant
      at Florida State Heats Up
» UWA agriculture moves up in the world
» Arcadia Biosciences Licenses
      Herbicide-Tolerant Wheat Technology


In Memoriam
» Dr. Steven Clemants 1954-2008

» Growing SEEDS of Sustainability at UBC


Botany without Borders
  Botany without Borders

» BOTANY - the students' perspective
    • Cheng-Chiang, Harvard University
    • Uromi, Yale University
» Careers in Botany
    • Botany as a career: Still having fun
    • A love of flowers and plants
» Economic Botany - How We Value Plants....
» Crime Scene Botanicals - Forensic Botany
» Trees, YOU and CO2 - Your Carbon Imprint
Planting Science Project
BSA Image Collection American Journal of Botany Plant Science Bulletin Careers in Botany
