Call for Applications
Triarch (Conant) "Botanical Images"
Student Travel Award
Botanical Society of America
Botany & Mycology 2009, Snowbird, Utah

The Botanical Society of America is pleased to open the Conant “Botanical Images” Student Travel Awards for 2009. There are three awards available to undergraduate and graduate students who are registered for, and attend, the Botany & Mycology 2009 Conference to be held in Snowbird, Utah, July 25 - 29. Awards will be given for the top three botanical images ($500, $250 and $150) as judged by the 2009 Conant Image Panel. Although the presentation of a paper/poster at Botany & Mcology 2009 is not a requirement, students who are presenting will be given the highest priority. View 2006, 2007 and 2008 submissions. Images and associated metadata must be provided by 1 APRIL 2009.

Award Criteria
The Conant “Botanical Images” awards are given for the outstanding botanical images, provided by a student member of the Botanical Society of America, for inclusion in the Botanical Society of America online image collection ( Images must be accompanied by a well written explanation outlining the significance of the image to botany in language understandable to non-professionals.

Submissions must include (filled out in the form below):
1. A brief paragraph explaining the image to a non-professional audience using, and explaining, botanical terms.
2. Metadata fields (filled out in the form below).
     a. Name(s) of creator(s), including institutional information, address, one phone number and one contact email;
     b. Image title, botanical discipline represented;
     c. Botanical name(s), common name(s), when the image was taken, where it was taken (longitude/latitude if available and appropriate);
     d. Links to online publication (i.e. if used in the AJB). If published elsewhere, we will need proof of copyright permission.

All submitted images will be peer-reviewed and assessed for placement in the Botanical Society of America online image collection. All images passing the peer review process will be placed in the BSA Online Image collection and may be used in whole or in part on BSA web sites and may be printed in the American Journal of Botany in recognition of this award. Please note: image creators retain all rights to their images and images will be used as outlined in the BSA’s Terms of Use (

3. TIFF (1-5mb) image created by you or as part of a team/lab you are working with.

EMAIL IMAGES separately to:
Subject Line: CONANT AWARD

Applicants, please use the form below to apply for this award by APRIL 1, 2009.


Your name:

BSA ID number:

Your email:

Your institution:


Address Line 1:

Address Line 2:

Address Line 3:


State/Province and Zip/Postal Code:


Your year:

Your phone number:

BSA Disciplinary Section(s) of which you are currently a member: (select one or more--press <Ctrl> or the appropriate Mac key)

List Title(s) and URL(s) of your Botany & Mycology 2009 Paper(s)/Poster(s) (if any):

Your faculty advisor:

Advisor's email:

Advisor's phone number:

Image File Name (please provide the name of the file you will email to

Image Title:

Image Caption:

Scientific Description/Explanation (please provide as much detail as possible in an effort to make the image interesting and understandable to the general public - publication quality):


Family or other higher level rank(s):

Species epithet(s):

Common Name(s):








Date taken and season:

Other interesting information:
IMAGE CREDITS (other than yourself if appropriate)

Credits for other people (please list all):
Deadline for award proposals is: APRIL 1, 2009, 11:59 pm, PDT.

This request will be sent electronically by pressing the "Submit Proposal" button.

For additional information or questions, please contact:

Remember to email your image to the email noted above!!!! Thank you.

If you do not receive a confirmation email back within 48 hours please contact us at