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Colorado River Basin Tamarisk Assessment

Colorado River near Moab, Utah

The Tamarisk Coalition has received the go ahead to assess...

the current conditions, state-of-the-science, and gaps in understanding...

where additional research would be appropriate concerning tamarisk management in the Colorado River Basin.

Colorado River Basin

The resulting report will include information, data, maps, analyses, findings, and proposed Demonstration Projects for federal cost-sharing consideration.

The seven states comprising the Colorado River Basin have agreed to support this initiative that will cover the following topics -

  1. Evapotranspiration by Riparian Vegetation
  2. Tamarisk and Russian Olive Control and Revegetation - an evaluation of the state-of-the-science
  3. Programmatic Issues - will clarify understanding and approach to tamarisk and Russian olive management Issues
  4. Demonstration Projects - identify sites for large-scale control and revegetation based on all acquired information