California Native Plant Society


Administrative Documents

Directory of officers, staff, and key volunteers

CNPS Reimbursement Form (PDF, 7k)

CNPS Grants and Application Instructions (PDF, 38k)

Chapter Annual Report Outline (RTF, 8k)

2005 CNPS Special Event Insurance Form (PDF, 300k)

2005 CNPS Certificate/Additional Insured Form (PDF, 18k)

Subvention Memo (PDF, 9k)

CNPS Quarterly Sales Tax Report of Chapter Sales (PDF, 54k)

CNPS Chapter Statement of Receipts and Expenditures (PDF, 15k)

Ending Inventory at Cost (PDF, 18k)

Tips and Hints for Completing Financial Statements (PDF, 15k)

Sales Tax Memo (PDF, 10k)

Administrative Policies

Policy on communication of confidential matters   78k
Policy on conflict of interest   83k
Guidelines on Lobbying, Legislation, Elections, Etc. 9k 32k
Policy on Business Endorsements 7k 31k
Fiscal Policy 7k 30k
Litigation Procedures 30k 40k
Statement of Policy - Distribution of Information 9k 31k
Final Contract Policy 76k
Policy for the CNPS Web Page 31k
Accepting Donations   22k
Investment Policy 4k  

Governance & Structure

Bylaws as modified June 2, 2007 (PDF, 220k)

CNPS Governance Policies (PDF, 29K, 6/2/01)

Strategic Direction 2006-2008 (PDF, 14k, 12/5/05)

Articles (PDF, 397k)

IRS FTB (PDF, 250k)

Board Committees (PDF, 26k)

Chapter Council Committees (PDF, 61k)

Joint Committees (PDF, 107k)

Chapter Council

Chapter Council Meetings (Schedule and Minutes)

Hosting Checklist for CC Meetings (PDF, 10k)

Hosting Schedule for CC Meetings (Word, 82k)

Chapter Information

Insurance Information (PDF, 432k)

New Chapter Start Up (A) (PDF, 10k)

New Chapter Start Up (B) (PDF, 7k)

Chapter Finances (PDF, 23k)

Poster Program (PDF, 23k)

Membership Ideas Handbook (PDF, 605k)

Native Plant Gardening Workshop Reimbursement Form (PDF, 178k)

Contract Process Documents

Contract Review and Approval Process (Word, 35k)

Contract Responsibility Table (Word, 50k)

Independent Contractor Questionnaire (Word, 25k)

Sample Fiscal Responsibility Agreement (Word, 37k)

Sample Consulting Agreement (Word, 29k)

Sample Memo of Understanding (Word, 32k)

Memorandums of Understanding

MOU For Cooperative Vegetation and Habitat Mapping and Classification 5/24/00 -- Provides for a standardized approach to vegetation mapping for all agencies and organizations (PDF, 73k)

Briefing Notes on Vegetation MOU 7/13/00 -- Explains the purpose and implementation of the 5/24/00 MOU (PDF, 51k)

Marketing Materials

Small posters to promote CNPS

Ready to Use Native Plant and Nature Factoids

Sample chapter mini poster (PDF, 220k)

CNPS Logo files: jpg 600 pixels | jpg 1200 pixels | eps

Website masthead: jpg 1800 pixels


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