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Global ReLeaf Award for Organizational Achievement, National Urban Forestry Conference, 2003

National Arbor Day Foundation Media Award, 2003

Chief's Award for Excellence in Technology Transfer, USDA Forest Service, 2003

$250,000 competitive grant to expand TreeLink, the National Urban and Community Forestry Advisory Council, 2001

$100,000 competitive grant to create TreeLink, the National Urban and Community Forestry Advisory Council, 1996

KUDOS for TreeLink
Testimonials from our readers

Thanks for your good work with TreeLink and urbnrnet. I always find good information there.

R.J. Laverne, Urban Forester/Ecologist
Davey Resource Group

As always, I think the website looks great and continues to improve. I really like the Resource Center concept. We need this kind of resource, and I use it regularly.

I give the students a link to Treelink and a couple of other websites as important websites at the beginning of class. Treelink is so comprehensive, I like to give it to the students as a primary resource site rather than list it under the separate topics.

W. Todd Watson, Ph.D.
Texas A&M University Department of Forest Science

You have certainly created an incredible support network for all of us.

Joan Lionetti, Executive Director
Trees for Tucson / Tucson Clean & Beautiful

From the very beginning I have been referring our RI Tree Stewards to TreeLink as a primary website. It's getting better and better.

Margaret Brookner
Rhode Island Tree Council

I never stop to just say thanks to you for being the catalyst for so many interesting discussions.  I really enjoy reading and when appropriate, responding to the flurry of topics. Congratulations on your award and a job well done. Mahalo nui!

Teresa Trueman-Madriaga
KaulunaniUrban Forestry Program
Division of Forestry and Wildlife

Congrats on the great work you’ve done with TreeLink – it is the resource we always wanted it to be and more!

-Deborah Gangloff, Ph.D.,
Executive Director, American Forests

TreeLink is different . . . it truly is a clearinghouse and as such has a real value to all of us.

-Alice Ewen Walker, Executive Director
Alliance for Community Trees

I just want to thank you. To have a well organized compilation of reliable information presented in a reasonable and accessible form is invaluable. I will pass the site on to our state Tree Council newsletter.

-Margaret Brookner
Rhode Island Green Street Association

Thanks again for the great support that TreeLink has provided . . . TreeLink has been helpful in many ways to the Foundation in terms of informing the urban forestry community about our programs, seminars, etc., and we really appreciate it.

-John Rosenow
The National Arbor Day Foundation

Subject: VolunteerMatch on
What a great idea! We have 600 college students each year who have to find a community environmental project for 20 hours each semester at Philadelphia University . . . hopefully it'll make my job as one of the coordinators easier!

-Dr. Anne Bockarie
Philadelphia University

(TreeLink) is to be commended for his continual efforts to heighten awareness and support for Urban and Community Forestry throughout this country and abroad. TreeLink is an excellent resource for information on urban forestry research, trends, and issues that benefit us all. In addition to the vast resource information posted on this site, and its related links, TreeLink's Job Bulletin has proven to be a very effective . . .

-David B. Sivyer, Norfolk City Forester

The site is so wonderful and you have such a giving heart. It's the community resource that everyone needs and bless you for being at the helm.

-Kate Lipkis
TreePeople (Los Angeles)

Subject: Effectiveness of the Urban Natural Resources Network
I have found it extremely useful many times. Great synergy and diversity!

-David Stephenson, Urban & Community Forestry Coordinator
South Central Region - Wisconsin Dept. of Natural Resources

Subject: TreeLink News & Views
Thank you! These articles are extremely timely. I'm facilitating a multi-agency public/private working group dealing with growth/development in the Orlando Metro Area. I've already emailed the articles to the members of the working group. Thanks again!

-Barbara Bess, Ecosystems MGT. Coordinator
FL Dept. of Environmental Protection

Congratulations on the grant and growth and leadership that TreeLink continues to carry.

-Ray Tretheway, Executive Director,
Sacramento Tree Foundation

Thank you for all your help in gathering information about the policies of other municipalities. Many people have reached out to us and the information has proven to be very useful and informative.


It was very gratifying to see the profile of The Morton Arboretum in WoodNotes! Thanks for the support and the publicity.

-Christopher P. Dunn, PhD, Director of Research
The Morton Arboretum, Lisle, Illinois

Just wanted to let you know that I think you have done a great job with the TreeLink site.

-Paul D. Ries, Executive Director, Pacific Northwest Chapter
International Society of Arboriculture

Thanks again for your good work and leadership with TreeLink. It is amazing how far you have gone with this service . . . TreeLink and the associated networks play an invaluable role in enabling both networking and communicating urban forestry nationwide. It has provided the glue to the program's broad constituency . . . I believe we are in our infancy with respect to the capabilities of this technology, and how we are using it, and we are limited only by our imagination and reluctance to invest. I also believe investing in TreeLink at the national level is appropriate, and should be considered a small business communications cost.

-Ed Macie, Regional Urban Forester
Southern Center for Wildland Urban
Interface Research and Information
Atlanta, GA

SUPERB batch of (WoodNotes quarterly e-zine) articles this go-round, Pepper. Especially liked Alice's reality reportage! Keep up the good work.

- Stephen A. Shurtz, Director, Office of Landscape & Forestry
Department of Public Works, City of Baton Rouge

Regarding Jobs posting:
I have a new position opened which I have posted as of today. Last time that I advertised I had many qualified arborists apply. This is a great service !

Lisa Olson
City of Cheyenne Urban Forestry

TreeLink's "Expanding Canopy" (two-year strategic plan) is creating national name recognition for Urban and Community Forestry. In my 21 years of professional involvement in Urban and Community Forestry, the greatest challenges I have faced were those that involved educating and gaining the support of the public. This support is vital to all aspects and all sectors of Urban and Community Forestry and Arboriculture as it directly affects Green Industry economics, local and national program funding levels, and policy development.

-Steven Churchillo
Boise City Forester

The Salt Lake Organizing Committee for the Olympic Winter Games of 2002 strongly supports TreeLink. It provides a very valuable service for the urban forestry community . . .

-Diane Conrad, Director, Environmental Programs
Salt Lake Organizing Committee for the 2002 Olympic Games

Wonderful site . . . I began reading the back issues of TreeLink WoodNotes. It suddenly occurred to me that this may be one of the best sites I've ever read regarding the accumulation of resources . . . thank you for providing me with some very good research information.

-Steve Umba, Reporter/photojournalist
Haddam, Connecticut

Thanks for the information. TreeLink has an impressive website. We've had a link to your site for quite some time now.

-Jeff Reimer, Forestry Field Instructor/Technician
Natural Resources Management
California Polytechnic State University

You should be very proud of your accomplishments, and the (NUCFAC) Council encourages you to keep up the good work.

-Deborah Gangloff, Chair,
National Urban and Community Forestry Advisory Council

Subject: Urban Natural Resources Network (URBNRNET) ListServ
I find the people who follow URBNRNET to be more actively involved with each issue and what is going on in the industry . . . There is really more discussion of enabling legislation, landscape ordinances, tree laws, land alteration codes on your server. Keep it up. Good luck with TreeLink and thank you for keeping URBNRNET on the go.

-Prof. Buck Abbey
Louisiana State University

Subject: URBNRNET ListServ
This ListServ is becoming a critical resource that has been strengthened through its alliance with your organization. Keep up the good work!

-David B. Sivyer, City Forester,
Bureau of Parks & Forestry,
Norfolk, Virginia

Congratulations! TreeLink has been selected as a featured site in Lightspan's StudyWeb as one of the best educational resources on the Web by our researchers. You will be able to view it in our Science: life Sciences: Agriculture: Forestry: Resources section.

-Leslie Kenny, Director of Educational Research

Subject: TreeLink Screen Savers
We have had your screen saver posted this week and a link to your site as promised. So far this week there have been almost 4000 page views to your screen saver . . . This week this screen saver has been one of the hottest downloads besides the Holiday savers.

- Tony Beaudion

I just finished looking it over, and wanted to respond back to tell you how great it is. I was on TreeLink a while back and really was impressed by the changes you have make and the comprehensive nature of all you have there. After looking through your progress report, I realize how much I missed. You are really changing the nature of the business. My compliments to you!

-Paul Ries
State & Private Forestry, Intermountain & Northern Regions

Subject: TreeScapes Photo Gallery
I've found the photos. They were indeed what I was looking for. . . . Thanks heavens for your list, which Cindy Stachowski suggested I try. I actually received a couple of helpful responses within a few hours. Amazing!

- Karl E. Parker, TOUR des TREES Coordinator

© 1996-2008 TreeLink   |   352 S. Denver St., Suite 315   |   Salt Lake City, UT 84111   |   801-363-3435