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European FlagEuropa
The European Commission

Fifth Framework Programme



Research in the Fourth Framework Programme

flag The Fourth Framework Programme (1994-1998)

With a budget of ECU 13 100 million the 4th Framework Programme (FP4) covered all the research and technological development (RTD) activities which were funded by the European Commission during the period 1994-1998.

ENVIRONMENTEnvironment and Climate (ENV 2C)
MASTMarine Science and Technology (MAST-III)
Joint Actions - Environment and Climate / MAST

TSERTargeted Socio-Economic Research (TSER)

flagLife Sciences and Technologies
flagEthical, Legal and Social Aspects of the Life Sciences
flagDemonstration projects in the Life Sciences
BIOMEDBiomedicine & Health (BIOMED 2)
FAIRAgriculture & Fisheries (Agro-industrial research - FAIR)
BIOTECHBiotechnology (BIOTECH 2)

flagTechnology Stimulation Measures for SMEs: Exploratory Awards and CRAFT
BRITE-EURAMIndustrial and Materials Technologies (BRITE-EURAM III): see Competitive and Sustainable Growth
SMTStandards, Measurements and Testing(SMT): see Competitive and Sustainable Growth

FISSIONNuclear Fission Safety - including Radiaton Protection (NFS 2)
FUSIONControlled Thermonuclear Fusion

INCOInternational Cooperation (including COST actions)
TMRTraining & Mobility of Researchers (TMR)

For further information, see also:

Community R&D Information Service (CORDIS)

European Research Forum (ERF) replaces

The former Industrial R&D Advisory Committee of the European Commission (IRDAC)
The former European Science and Technology Assembly (ESTA)

Space Coordination Home Page

European Research Networks and Information Sources
List of National contact points and organisations
Participation possibilities and financial support possibilities for legal entities from non EU countries in specific programmes of the Framework programme.
The VAT reimbursement forms are available for downloading as PDF-files. The model contract (COST reimbursement under the Fourth Framework Programme) has recently been modified and the new version in English, French and German is available for downloading. Information on the Contract Preparation Materials of General Application to the Fifth Framework Programme is available on the CORDIS server.



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