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A key goal of the WSWS is to educate the public regarding weeds in rangeland, cropping systems, right-of-ways, or other areas where weeds have or may interfere with desired species.  The Society strives to provide the public with current information about all types of weeds and continues to add to the knowledge base about all types of species.

A few of the major publications produced through the WSWS can be viewed using the navigation bar at the left.

Educational Opportunities

Online Course Available!

PSPP 546-01: Herbicide Physiology
September 4-December 7, 2008
3 graduate credits

Instructors: Profs. William Dyer, Plant Sciences & Plant Pathology, Montana State University; Tracy Sterling, Entomology, Plant Pathology, and Weed Science, New Mexico State University; Scott Nissen, Bioagricultural Sciences and Pest Management, Colorado State University

Cost: Tuition is $729.15. This should be paid to the Burns Technology Center at Montana State University at the time of registration.

Credit: 3 graduate semester credits 

Prerequisites: BCHM 340 General Biochemistry (or equivalent) and PS 450 Plant Physiology (or equivalent) or instructor consent.

Time Commitment: 10 to 15 hours per week over 10 weeks. If you are unfamiliar with this field of study and/or with telecommunications, this course may require more of your time.

Target Audience: Graduate and advanced undergraduate students in Weed Science, Plant Physiology, Plant Biology, Land Reclamation, Ecology, Range Science, Agronomy, Integrated Pest Management, Conservation Biology, and related fields.  Also, land managers, agriculture industry employees, and state and federal employees desiring in-depth knowledge of herbicides and herbicide physiology may be interested.

Course Materials: This course has no textbook as all readings and activities take place online.

For More Information: Contact Dr. William Dyer at

Note: This course will be delivered using WebCT. WebCT is an online course delivery tool. You will receive more information about how to login closer to the course start date.

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