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Postgraduate coursework in plant biosecurity


Equip yourself for a career to protect your nation's agricultural and environmental future

What qualifications are offered?

Recognised tertiary qualifications in plant biosecurity:

Graduate Certificate in Plant Biosecurity (6 months full time)

Graduate Diploma in Plant Biosecurity (12 months full time)

Masters in Plant Biosecurity (18 or 24 months full time)

Who are the degrees aimed at?

The degrees are aimed at current or prospective members of the biosecurity profession. The curriculum has been designed following extensive national and international consultation to meet the needs of the profession, be it for ongoing professional development, formal accreditation, or general enhancement of professional expertise and recognition.

Which institutions will offer these degrees?

Degrees delivered by a consortium of leading Australian universities: Charles Darwin University, La Trobe University, Murdoch University, Queensland University of Technology and the University of Adelaide.

What are the entry requirements and can I progress past the Graduate Certificate if I want to?

Direct entry into the Graduate Diploma and Masters requires an existing university degree, but entry can be gained into the Graduate Certificate based on professional standing. The successful student can exit the program after 6, 12 or 18 months with a Graduate Certificate, Diploma or Masters respectively, or can articulate upwards with full credit from the previous award. A student entering without an honours degree or 2 years relevant professional experience will need to do a 12 month, rather than six month, research project.

How will the material be delivered?

All material will be fully flexibly delivered using the latest on-line technology. Most units will be self-paced and assessment items will use relevant work-place examples. A one-week residential, taken by all students as part of the Graduate Certificate, will be hosted by the University of Adelaide.

What are the graduate capabilities?

Graduates will have knowledge and understanding of plant biosecurity at levels that are internationally recognised and at the highest level of industry requirement. We will develop your ability to analyse, evaluate and synthesise information from scientific and regulatory sources, and apply effective solutions to problems within changing contexts.

What if I am an international student?

Because the degrees are flexibly delivered, international students can study without leaving home, however you will still need to undertake the one week residential. If you are currently, or potentially based in Australia, cannot enrol in the degree because the full external delivery conflicts with Australian student visa requirements.

Will the qualification be recognised internationally?

The Masters of Plant Biosecurity has been developed in consultation with official representatives from Canada, United States, New Zealand and Australia. When you graduate from the program you can do so with the knowledge that your degrees will be recognised by the relevant organisations in those countries.

What will it cost?

Costs have yet to be finalised and may vary slightly depending on the institution in which you enrol. However, for full-time Australian domestic students, costs will be around $2,500 per unit (total of  $10,000 for Graduate Certificate, $20,000 for Graduate Diploma and $30,000 for Masters).


Melanie Hay
Education Officer, CRCNPB
Phone: +61 (0) 2 6201 2882


Dr Kirsty Bayliss
Murdoch University
Phone: +61 (0) 8 9360 2814


Dr Tony Clarke
Queensland University of Technology
Phone: +61 (0) 7 3138 5023


A/Prof Michael Keller
University of Adelaide
Phone: + 61 (0) 8 8303 7222


Dr Kim Plummer
LaTrobe University
Phone: + 61 (0) 3 9479 2223


Dr Penny Wurm
Charles Darwin University
Phone: + 61 (0) 8 8946 6355


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