Hawaiian Ecosystems at Risk project (HEAR)

Abutilon menziesii


image of Abutilon menziesii image of Abutilon menziesii
HEAR home  >  species info  >  plants  >  Abutilon menziesii (Malvaceae)

Species description or overview Taxonomy & nomenclature Cultivation & propagation Recovery & restoration
Images Distribution In the news  

"Abutilon menziesii is an endangered Hawaiian endemic shrub that grows in dry forests on the islands of Lanai, Maui, Oahu, and Hawaii."  (source)"Currently, only about 500 plants remain in fewer than ten naturally-occurring populations throughout the islands." (USBGAbutilon menziesii is a native plant in Hawaii, endemic and federally listed as an endangered species. (Smithsonian

Species description or overview

Abutilon menziesii: CPC National Collection Plant Profile
Summary information about Abutilon menziesii is available online from the Center for Plant Conservation (CPC).

Abutilon menziesii: a rare and endangered plant in the U.S. Botanical Garden collection
Information about Abutilon menziesii, an endangered species native/endemic to the state of Hawaii (USA), is provided by the U.S. Botanical Garden.

Taxonomy & nomenclature

GRIN nomenclature info for Abutilon menziesii
Nomenclatural information about Abutilon menziesii is provided by USDA/ARS/NGRP/GRIN.

ITIS nomenclature info for Abutilon menziesii
Nomenclatural information about Abutilon menziesii is provided by ITIS.

IPNI nomenclature info for Abutilon menziesii
Nomenclatural information about Abutilon menziesii is provided by The International Plant Names Index (IPNI).

Cultivation & propagation

Abutilon menziesii (red 'ilima) propagation and cultivation (UH/CTAHR)
Propagation and cultivation information about Abutilon menziesii (Red 'Ilima) is provided by the University of Hawaii's College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources (UH/CTAHR).

Recovery & restoration

Habitat Conservation Plan for Endangered Plant, "Red Ilima," available for public review
Information about efforts to save the only known naturally-occurring population of Abutilon menziesii on Oahu are described in this article.


Abutilon menziesii images by PT
Abutilon menziesii images are presented online by Maui photographer Philip Thomas and are freely available for noncommercial use.

Images of Abutilon menziesii from HEAR
The Global Compendium of Weeds provides worldwide citations of potential weediness of Hibiscus rosa-sinensis.

Images of Abutilon menziesii (Malvaceae) (kooloaula)
Links to high-resolution free images of Abutilon menziesii (Malvaceae) (kooloaula) by Forest & Kim Starr (USGS) are available here.

Smithsonian Flora of the Hawaiian Islands info for Abutilon menziesii
The Smithsonian Flora of the Hawaiian Islands website presents information about Abutilon menziesii in Hawaii.

Albutilon menziesii images by PT
Albutilon menziesii flower images are from P. Thomas' SmugMug collection.

Images of Abutilon species native to Hawaii (UH/GCarr)
Images of Abutilon species native to Hawaii are presented online by Dr. Gerry Carr (University of Hawaii--Manoa). Species represented include Abutilon eremitopetalum (endemic); Abutilon incanum (indigenous); Abutilon menziesii (endemic); and Abutilon sandwicense (endemic).


Smithsonian Flora of the Hawaiian Islands info for Abutilon menziesii
The Smithsonian Flora of the Hawaiian Islands website presents information about Abutilon menziesii in Hawaii.

In the news

Plan may pave way for new Ewa road: At issue is preserving rare red ilima before starting construction
"Seven years after an endangered plant put the brakes on plans for a major roadway in Ewa, a proposal to grow replacement plants could pave the way for road construction." (excerpted from article)

Red ilima endangers Ewa road: The protected plant is holding up state plans to adjust land usage
Caffeine knocks Hawaii's screeching foreign frogs dead, a U.S. Department of Agriculture study has found. But the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency wants to know what else caffeine kills before the agency approves using it to stop the exploding population of two small frog species from Puerto Rico.

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The Hawaiian Ecosystems at Risk (HEAR) project is currently funded by the Pacific Basin Information Node (PBIN) of the National Biological Information Infrastructure (NBII) through PIERC (USGS) with support from HCSU (UH-Hilo). More details are available online. Pacific Basin Information Node (PBIN) National Biological Information Infrastructure (NBII)

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