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The Cooperative Extension System offers a variety of programs in food, nutrition and consumer safety.

The Expanded Food and Nutrition Program (EFNEP) provides food and nutrition education to low-income families, youth and individuals to improve eating patterns, shopping and food preparation skills. Visit the EFNEP Web site for more information and contacts.

Family Nutrition Program (Food Stamp Nutrition Education Program) conducts nutrition and food safety education initiatives for teachers, school children, and food service staff (Team Nutrition program). Visit the Family Nutrition Program Web site for more information and contacts.

The Food Marketing Policy Center focuses on the organization and performance of food markets in the State of Connecticut, the nation, and the world. Visit Food Marketing Policy Center Web site for more information and contacts.

The Food Safety Program conducts food safety and food education workshops and programs for farmers and fishing industry personnel, dealers and harvesters, food processors, food service providers, childcare workers, teachers and consumers. Visit the Food Safety Program Web site for more information and contacts.

The Food Security Program helps recipients of emergency foods improve the quality of their diets, stretch food stamps and food money; improve food and nutrition knowledge and food safety and preparation skills. Visit the Team Nutrition website for more information and contacts.

The Special Nutrition Needs Program provides workshops on prenatal nutrition and special needs nutrition. You may do a key word search of our database to find an expert.