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The Cooperative Extension System offers a variety of programs in plant and animal agriculture and consumer horticulture.

Animal Agriculture provides educational programs related to dairy and livestock production and marketing. You may do a key word search of our database to find an expert. See the Animal Science Resources for links to additional information.

The Connecticut Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory provides biopsy services for a variety of diseases. Visit the Connecticut Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory Web site for more information and contacts.

Atmospheric Resources provides information and expertise on meteorology and the weather/forest environment. Visit the Atmospheric Resources Web page for more information and contacts.

Animal Waste Management conducts educational programs on manure management and associated regulations. You may do a key word search of our database to find an expert.

The Farm Risk Management and Crop Insurance Program conducts educational programs related to farm management. Visit the Farm Risk Management and Crop Insurance Program Web site for more information and contacts.

The Home and Garden Education Center provides information for the homeowner on gardening topics, with an emphasis on minimizing environmental impacts. Visit the Home and Garden Education Center Web site for more information and contacts.

Invasive Plants conducts education programs on invasive plant pests. Visit the Invasive Plants Web site for more information and contacts.

Integrated Pest Management (IPM) educates producers and consumers about sustainable approaches to managing pests. Visit the IPM Web site for more information and contacts. 

The Master Gardener Program provides horticultural-related information to the public through a volunteer-based cadre of trained citizen-scientists. Visit the Master Gardener Program Web site for more information and contacts.

Plant Agriculture provides educational programs related to horticultural crop production and marketing. You may do a key word search of our database to find an expert.

The Soil Testing Laboratory provides soil fertility testing and recommendations to growers and consumers. Visit the Soil Nutrient Analysis Laboratory Web site for more information and contacts.

Sustainable Landscapes and Residential Water Quality Program offers education programs for Connecticut residents.  Programs incorporate regional and national research results from septic systems and well water, nutrient and pesticide management, landscaping management, and plant selections.  Visit the Residential Water Quality Website for more information and contacts.