California Native Plant Society

CNPS 2009 Conservation Conference: Strategies and Solutions

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On January 20 and 21, immediately following the conference we will offer thirteen different workshops for scientific professionals and plant and animal enthusiasts. Workshops will be held at the Sheraton Hotel, unless otherwise noted, Workshop pre-registration is required. Workshops are open to non-conference registered attendees. Conference registered attendees, CNPS members and students receive discounts for workshops. See rates below and on registration pages.

Workshop rates

Conference-registered CNPS member Non-member Student
One-day workshop $110 $150 $95 $120
Two-day workshop $190 $225 $175 $200
Non-conf. registered CNPS member Non-member Student
1-day workshop $150 $200 $95 $120
2-day workshop $225 $275 $175 $200
  1. The Art of Field Sketching: Drawing Plants - Jan 20
    John (Jack) Muir Laws, California Academy of Science

    A full day of sketching and art instruction to jump start you in keeping your own field journal or re-inspire you to pick up your sketchbook again. We will examine tricks and techniques to help you simplify a complex flower shape, draw wildflowers in perspective, and simple ways to add color to your drawings in the field. Bring paper and pencil if you have it, supplies will be provided for those who do not have their own. Participants will receive worksheets and technique pages to supplement their notes.
  2. The Art of Field Sketching: Drawing Wildlife - Jan 21
    John (Jack) Muir Laws, California Academy of Science

    A full day of sketching and art instruction to jump start you in keeping your own field journal or re-inspire you to pick up your sketchbook again. We will examine tricks and techniques to help you draw birds and mammals, tricks to get animals in motion, simple ways to add color to your drawings in the field. Bring paper and pencil if you have it, supplies will be provided for those who do not have their own. Participants will receive worksheets and technique pages to supplement their notes.
  3. Basics of Native Grass Seed Collection and Storage - Jan 20
    Susan Erwin & Linnea Hanson, USFS

    Susan and Linnea will provide an overview of techniques and equipment associated with native grass seed collection, processing, and storage, as well as an introduction to seed transfer guidelines and use of locally adapted native plant materials.
  4. Basic Wilderness First Aid - Jan 20
    Bobbie Foster, Wilderness-EMT, Foster Calm

    If you work and play in remote areas (more than 1 hour respond time for 911), this class is for you. You will learn what to do in case of an emergency (e.g., bleeding, shock, head and spine injuries, hypothermia and hyperthermia, medical emergencies, etc.) Participants will receive handouts, a small wilderness first aid book and a three-year certificate in Basic Wilderness First Aid.
  5. California Natural Diversity Data base Tools Workshop - Jan 20, SOLD OUT
    Roxanne Bittman, CDFG
    Location: Computer Lab, CDFG Office of Training and Development
    The California Natural Diversity Database (CNDDB) is a natural heritage program which inventories the locations and status of California’s rare species and natural communities. CNDDB data are used in many kinds of environmental work such as pre-project surveys, rare plant and animal monitoring projects, in the development of land management plans, agency species recovery work, etc. This workshop will focus primarily on the use of CNDDB tools including RareFind, “web RareFind,” CNDDB on BIOS and the CNDDB Quick Viewer. We will also discuss the appropriate use of each tool in various kinds of environmental work as well as data submittal.
  6. Fifty Plant Families and Introduction to the 2nd Edition of the Jepson Manual - Jan 20-21 SOLD OUT
    Dean Kelch, Jepson Herbarium Workshops
    We will provide an introduction to the most diverse vascular plant families in California, with emphasis given to identification, family realignments, and reasons for the significant taxonomic changes that will be reflected in the second edition of The Jepson Manual (TJM2). Material will be presented at an introductory level but participants are encouraged to have familiarity with basic plant morphology.
  7. Invasive Plant Management Workshop - Jan 20
    Ingrid Hogle, Invasive Spartina Project
    John Knapp, Native Range, Inc., Cal-IPC Board of Directors
    Mark Newhouser, Sonoma Ecology Center, Cal-IPC Board of Directors
    Mark Heath, Shelterbelt Builders

    We will cover basic principles of invasive plant identification, biology, control methods, mapping and revegetation. This broad overview will provide those in the restoration field with a framework for addressing invasive plants in their work.
  8. Introduction to NEPA/CEQA for Botanists - Jan 21 SOLD OUT
    Linnea Hanson, USFS and Jenny Marr, CDFG, in cooperation with Friends of the Chico Herbarium and the Northern CA Botanists.
    Participants will be introduced to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) as they relate to rare and endangered plant species, invasive plant species and natural biological communities. Emphasis will be placed on guidelines and requirements of regulatory agencies for conducting botanical surveys, preparing reports, conducting impact assessments, and developing mitigation and monitoring plans. This workshop is geared towards consultants or other interested individuals who desire a fundamental understanding of these regulatory frameworks and how they apply to protecting California's native plant bio-diversity.
  9. Introduction to the 2nd Edition of A Manual of California Vegetation - Jan 20 SOLD OUT
    John O. Sawyer, Professor Emeritus HSU, Todd Keeler Wolf, CDFG, and Julie Evens, CNPS.

    Location: CDFG’s Yolo Bypass Visitors Center, Davis.
    The authors will debut the second edition of A Manual of California Vegetation. They will provide an overview of additions and changes to the manual, including new vegetation types recognized or redefined across many habitats. You will learn how to use the new manual in conservation and management of California’s diverse vegetation types.
  10. Measuring and Monitoring Plant Populations and Vegetation - Jan 21 SOLD OUT
    John Willoughby, former State Botanist for the Bureau of Land Management

    The workshop will focus on the role of plant population monitoring for adaptive management. Participants will learn how to develop good management objectives Topics cover principles of sampling and several sampling designs, field techniques for measuring vegetation, analyzing monitoring data and presenting results. Participants will receive a copy of the BLM-published book, Measuring and Monitoring Plant Populations by Caryl Elzinga, Dan Salzer, and John Willoughby.
  11. Naturalizing the Urban Fabric – Creating Habitat in the City – Jan 20
    Shepard Garden and Art Center in Mckinley Park, Sacramento
    Julie Serences, Audubon At Home Program, Sacramento Audubon
    Jennifer Hogan and Melinda Rivasplata, Sacramento Valley Chapter of CNPS

    The Sacramento area Audubon at Home program encourages individual conservation action that can sustain birds, other wildlife, and healthy habitats in our yards and neighborhoods. We will begin with a plant propagation workshop where you will learn about native plants and landscape practices benefiting bird conservation and environmental health. You will take home several native plants suitable for your garden!. Then, we will go into the neighborhood and discover the variety of bird life around Sacramento, with local experts.
  12. Rare Plant Surveys - Jan 20-21 SOLD OUT
    Teresa Sholars, CNPS

    Participate in an overview of how to plan, conduct and review rare plant surveys. We will cover the legal basis for requiring surveys, the accepted methodologies for conducting surveys, and provide insights on how to review rare plant survey reports. This workshop is intended for botanists, wildlife biologists and land mangers who must conduct, request, or review surveys in the course of their duties.
  13. Mutual Gains Negotiations - Jan 20-21
    Steve Barber

    How can one protect resource values in the face of development pressures? Must every negotiation be a full-on battle? Come learn methods of developing the best negotiated outcomes. Learn to define the problem, bring people to the table, consider alternatives, and develop joint solutions. Learn how to give negotiation its best chance.
  14. Vernal Pool Invertebrates - Jan 21
    Carol Witham, CNPS, Full day field trip with 3-4 vernal pools sites.

    An introductory level field course for botanists and wildlife biologists focused on the ecology of California’s vernal pools with emphasis on the aquatic phase and various federally listed species. Participants will learn about 1) the common and endangered macro fauna that occupy vernal pools during the aquatic phase, plus associated food chains and unusual survival strategies; and 2) the unique morphological and photosynthetic strategies of vernal pool endemic plants during their submerged aquatic phase.


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