California Native Plant Society



Join CNPSThe California Native Plant Society welcomes one and all – from students to professionals, from hobbyists to dedicated gardeners, from apartment dwellers to homeowners, from city folk to suburbanites to rural residents – to join the society to learn about California’s rich and diverse native plant flora and support efforts to conserve native plants and habitats throughout the state.

There are many ways to join:

If you are a member and not sure when to renew, look at the expiration date found above the address label on Society publications Fremontia and Bulletin.

Membership Benefits

CNPS members enjoy the following benefits, and more:

  • Membership in the statewide CNPS organization
  • Affiliation with the local CNPS chapter
  • Quarterly Fremontia journal
  • Quarterly CNPS Bulletin
  • The local chapter newsletter
  • Access to a wide range of local and statewide activities
  • Access to chapter plant sales, book sales, lectures, classes, workshops, hikes, field trips, and wildflower shows
  • Meeting people with similar interests
  • NEW: A membership card with benefits from partner organizations


Click here to join CNPS or to renew your membership


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