California Native Plant Society

CNPS 2009 Conservation Conference: Strategies and Solutions

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Sacramento Convention Center & Sheraton Grand Hotel

The Sacramento Convention Center
The Sacramento Convention Center
Sheraton Grand Hotel
Sheraton Grand Hotel

The conference will take place in downtown Sacramento at the Convention Center and Sheraton Grand Hotel, located at J and 13th streets, one block from the beautiful Capitol State Park. This area is bustling with sidewalk cafes, coffee houses and restaurants.

The spacious ballroom and East Lobby on the third floor of the Convention Center will house registration, exhibitors, concurrent, plenary and poster sessions, as well as the photography and botanical illustration contests. The four-star Sheraton Grand Hotel, located in the beautifully restored Public Market building, is the Conference home for social activities, internet café, associated meetings and working groups. Guest rooms and parking are available at a special conference rate.

Click here to reserve your room(s) at the Sheraton Grand Hotel.

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