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Images at Kew

Thousands of images from Kew’s extensive archive for retail, business and press use.

Herbarium Catalogue

Find out more about the Herbarium Catalogue, and search it online.....

BBC series - A Year at Kew

See 'behind the scenes' at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew in this major documentary, narrated by Alan Titchmarsh, first shown on BBC Two in Autumn 2004 and now in its third series.

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Garden overviews

Living collections

Herbarium collections

Artefacts of plant origin

Reference collections

Buildings and structures

KewKew, World Heritage Site

On 3 July 2003 the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew was officially inscribed on the list of World Heritage Sites by UNESCO.

Our History & Heritage website allows you to take a journey through time, meet the people who shaped the gardens, explore the fascinating places, and discover some of Kew's heritage plants. find out more.....

Wakehurst Place


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