Ecological Society of America

Upcoming General Scientific Meetings 2009

ESA regularly receives meeting announcements from other organizations. As a service to our members and the general public, we post these announcements on our website. If your organization would like to post an announcement, please contact webmaster. Announcements should include: date of meeting, name of organization hosting the meeting, a contact name, address, phone number, email and (if possible) a website. ESA reserves the right to edit announcements to fit our format. ESA's meetings are highlighted *

Last updated on January 07, 2009

May 5-8, 2009 in Salt Lake City, Utah
"Banking under the New Rule" - The 12th National Mitigation & Ecosystem Banking Conference

National Mitigation & Ecosystem Banking Conference

The Conference is seeking presentations from experienced mitigation and conservation bankers, regulators, users, engineers, investors, environmental organizations, and others who have direct experience in the expanding mitigation and ecosystem banking industry. Submissions are due October 15, 2008.

SUBMIT YOUR PRESENTATION IDEA TODAY - and no later than October 15!

The estimated 450 attendees will learn how the New Rule issued by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency earlier this year is impacting mitigation and ecosystem banking across the nation.

Conference supporters are major players in banking, including The Conservation Fund, the National Mitigation Banking Association, and bankers Earthmark Mitigation Services LLC, Environmental Banc & Exchange LLC, Environmental Heritage Investors LLC, Marsh Resources Inc., MMA Sustainable Land Investments, Restoration Systems LLC, Westervelt Ecological Services, The Wetlandsbank Group, and Wildlands Inc. Federal agency sponsors include the Federal Highway Administration, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

Contact: Carlene Bahler at JT&A, inc., Phone: (703) 837-9763
For more information, visit the meeting website @

May 31-June 3, 2009 in Washington, DC
USSEE 2009 Conference

The 5th bi-annual conference of the United States Society for Ecological Economics (USSEE) will be held in Washington DC from May 31st to June 3rd 2009. The conference theme is "Science and Policy for a Sustainable Future". This theme intends to move the debate from scientific discoveries and insights to practical solutions and viable policies. Conference participants will come from academia, the non-profit sector and the public sector with the goal of advancing collaborations between the private, public and non-profit sector to advance sustainability.

Contact: USSEE 09 Conference
Phone: 414-453-0030
For more information, visit the meeting website @

July 5-10, 2009 Veracruz, Mexico
International Congress of Systematic and Evolutionary Biology (ICSEB VII)


Join us for modern panoramas in systematic and evolutionary biology!

Celebrating 150 years since publication of Darwin�s Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, plus observing 150 years since the passing of Alexander von Humboldt, the Father of ecological biogeography.

The International Congress of Systematic and Evolutionary Biology (ICSEB) is convened approximately every six years, the last one having being held in Patras, Greece, in 2002. The scope of these congresses is to bring plant, animal, and microbial systematists and evolutionary biologists together to discuss and debate topics of general interest. The focus of this congress, in context of significant historical backdrop, is on modern and forward-looking ideas, concepts, and methods in systematic and evolutionary biology. Due to its location, a strong emphasis will also be placed on understanding biodiversity in Latin America.

Confirmed plenary speakers and tentative titles include:

  • Dan Brooks, Toronto, Canada, Comparative Phylogenetic Biology
  • Michael Donoghue, New Haven, Connecticut, U.S.A., Biodiversity
  • Niles Eldredge, New York, U.S.A., Hierachical Theory of Evolution
  • Harry Greene, Ithaca, New York, U.S.A., Importance of Natural History in the 21st Century
  • Michael Hammond, Tucson, Arizona, U.S.A., Evolution and the Social Sciences
  • Tod Stuessy, Vienna, Austria, A Future for Systematic and Evolutionary Biology
  • Eors Szathmary, Budapest, Hungary, Nervous System Evolution
  • Christer Wiklund, Stockholm, Sweden, Experimental Studies of Evolutionary Mechanisms
  • Ed Wiley, Kansas, U.S.A., The Phylogenetic Revolution

Registration Fees: Regular participant $US 395 / Developing country participant $US 250 / Student participant $US 100.

Contact: ICSEB
For more information, visit the meeting website @

June 22-26, 2009 in Madison, WI
CALL FOR ABSTRACTS: Wetland Connections

2009 Joint Meeting of the Society of Wetland Scientists, Wisconsin Wetlands Association & the Wetland Biogeochemistry Symposium

Abstracts webpage: Submission deadline: February 27, 2009

The North Central Chapter of the Society of Wetland Scientists is pleased to be hosting the Society's 30th annual meeting in Madison, WI with partners the Wisconsin Wetlands Association and the Wetland Biogeochemistry Symposium. The 2009 theme, Wetland Connections, is a deliberately broad and inclusive theme, and embodies this year's joint meeting of three groups that collectively represent the surprising breadth of wetland endeavors. The Annual Meeting program will include plenary talks, field trips, symposia, contributed oral sessions and a poster session.

The meeting Planning Team invites you to participate in, and contribute to, this 2009 Joint Meeting. We invite submissions of symposium proposals - symposia are pre-arranged sessions on special topics. Symposia organizers will recruit speakers for timeslots in multiples of 15 minutes (15, 30, 45, etc.), including time for questions and discussion. Symposia proposals are due by October 31; see for details.

Contact: Laura England
Outreach Programs Director
Ph: 608-250-9971
For more information, visit the meeting website @

June 30 - July 3, 2009 in Manchester University, UK
International Human Ecology Conference

We are pleased to invite your participation to the next International Human Ecology Conference, hosted by Manchester University, UK - June 29 - July 3, 2009. The overall theme of this year's conference is "Human Ecology for an Urbanising World"

The meeting is a multi-organization collaboration, sponsored by the Society for Human Ecology (SHE), the Commonwealth Human Ecology Council (CHEC), the German Society for Human Ecology (DGH), the Scientific Committee on Problems of the Environment (SCOPE) and other professional associations.

Like previous human ecology meetings, it is intended to bring together a diverse group of educators, researchers and practitioners. These meetings rely heavily on the suggestions and contributions of participants. Our aim is to make the event as broadly interdisciplinary as possible --- gathering perspectives from the sciences, social sciences, policy, planning, business, humanities and creative arts.

Contact: Ian Douglas (President-Elect - SHE/Chairman, Governing Board - CHEC)
For more information, visit the meeting website @

August 16 – 21, 2009 in Brisbane Exhibition and Convention Centre, Australia
10th International Congress of Ecology

Expected attendance: Approximately 1500 international/national delegates
Delegate profile: Ecologist researchers and academics, environmental consultants and government  officers 

Contact details: 10th International Congress of Ecology Conference Managers, Managed by Tour Hosts Pty Limited

GPO Box 128, Sydney NSW 2001 AUSTRALIA 
P: + 61 2 9265 0700 l F: + 61 2 9267 5443 l

Highlights of the Congress:

  • The largest ecological meeting first time held in the Southern Hemisphere.
  • Ecology is a broad discipline – marine, freshwater, terrestrial; genetic, behavioral, ecosystem. 10th INTECOL 2009 Congress brings together experts from all these fields from across the globe.
  • Excellent opportunity to network with ecologists from around the world.
  • Three meetings in one. 10th INTECOL 2009 Congress will incorporate the International Congress of Ecology, and the Ecological Society of Australia 2008 Annual Conference and the New Zealand Ecological Society 2008 Annual Conference.
  • Opportunity to experience national parks that provide international models for joint management of the land between indigenous Australians and Park authorities such as the Uluru and Kakadu National parks.
  • Wide range of field trips designed and run by ecologists that allow delegates to experience unique environments with the world’s oldest landscape and a unique flora and fauna found only in Australia and New Zealand.
  • Extensive program which will consist of 8 concurrent sessions for the duration of 5 days with 10 high profile plenary speakers that that represent the ‘who’s who’ of ecology.
  • INTECOL 2009 will be a green event.

Contact: 10th International Congress of Ecology Conference Managers
For more information, visit the meeting website @

August 17, 2009 in Kawatabi, Japan
Woodstoich 2009 - An Ecological Exposition

Woodstoich 2009 - An Ecological Exposition

Contact: Hideyuki Doi
For more information, visit the meeting website @

21-26 August 2009 in Zurich, Switzerland
7th Conference of the European Ornithologists' Union 2009

The European Ornithologists' Union has been founded as an equal partnership among avian biologists across Europe to provide an international forum for the advancement of European ornithology in all its aspects. The bi-annual conferences provide ideal platforms to get in contact, exchange ideas and disseminate knowledge. The council of the EOU and the local organisers invite you cordially to join the 7th EOU conference to be held at the University of Zurich from 21-26 August 2009!

The conference aims at bringing together the full range of researchers in ecology, behaviour, evolution, physiology, morphology, systematics and conservation biology of birds to exchange ideas and to think about future research projects. Studies on birds still have a lot to offer both in basic and applied research. The challenges are there and together we can solve them!

Information on the conference location, accommodation, deadlines, registration fees, etc. are available at You may also wish to contact the local organising committee at

Information on the Scientific Programme Committee, the general scientific programme, plenary talks and the submission of symposia and papers are provided at Inquiries about the scientific programme should be addressed to

We hope that you will contribute to and find interesting topics in the scientific programme. We are looking forward to meeting you in beautiful Zurich.

Contact: Scientific Programme Committee
For more information, visit the meeting website @

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